
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 16:21:31
氯水保存在棕色试剂原理的离子方程式 一个圆的直径是40厘米 求他的周长 the radio is still om的意思为什么用on I can't s( ) soap opera. 已知等腰三角形的周长为40,以一腰为边做等边三角形其周长为45,则底边长为A.5B.10C.15D.20 想给孩子起名叫刘*蘅,蘅的音同衡,虽然看见这个字就知道是女名,但是听起来比较难判断,所以请帮我选个中间的字,字意又好,而且从读音上可以判断出是女名来…… please give me a chance to explain.这句话有错吗?要怎么改?please give,怎么是两个动词一起的呢? It was still waiting for attention in the radio room when Titanic hit an iceberg at 11:40 pm that night请翻译 i can't stand the soap opera.what dou you think of soap operas?为什么第一句的opera不加s第二句加 英语翻译 Please note then when Amy was in China she had noted that due to your holiday in April the SHO would be closed form 5/1 to 5/5I had noted from your separate email that the office would be closed from 4/29- 5/1 for the international labor day I have 英文句译,想知道for,in respect to啥意思for all the gold in the world,I would not be wanting in respect to my father,or take from him a single comfort什么意思 Also,show your respect to others in 意大利语的发音与拉丁文的区别? 请问标准的拉丁语发音跟意大利语的发音是不是一样的? 请问:新概念三,37课二段一句,i noted with satisfaction that there was..., that是同位语从句还是宾从 请问新概念里一句话:‘togther with a note which said:"a thief……“请问里面的which是什么意思?一起的还有一个纸条很多张中的一张?which不是哪一个的意思吗?还有In time,all Sam's money was paid back in the 请问新概念里一句话:‘togther with a note which said:"a thief……“请问里面的which是什么意思?如题请问新概念里一句话:‘togther with a note which said:"a thief……“请问里面的which是什么意思?一起的 为什么是with satisfaction 而不是with a satisfaction Please note down the class information and check in at the very time Mario used to help Mum do housework.(help Mum do housework是对画线部分提问) What______Mario______to ________? 花中四君子是什么 Joe used to (help Mum do howsework)对划线句提问 花中四君子是什么意思 You can put the dishes in the kitchen.的各个句子成分 极品飞车9里“fired up”此歌的歌词, fired 花中四君子指的是什么 we can wash dishes in the sink .在wash下面有横线,应该是对wash提问吧.是的话,答案是什么. 你的座右铭是什么 hehe是什么意思啊? 同义句转换 He doesn't laugh at others any more.He( )at others ( ) ( ).