
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 01:21:50
帮我改改英文作文谢谢!Hello my headteacher. I’ m Johnny. I have some suggestions about our school. One of them is our library when a lot persons in the library the wifi often doesn't work and other one is our hostels some hostels without b 请帮我改改这英文作文In the era of imformation and technology.The fact is that Recreational activities is necessary for us to keep out phsical and mental health.Virtually a variey of recreational activities can be chosen,it mat be beneficial Shenyang ’sWinterMy favorite season is winter.It lasts from December to the next year’s February.It is the coldest season in the year.In winter,the days are very short.When it comes ,the leaves fall from the trees.Although winter means cold weath 语文六年级寒假作业中30页的“工蜂采蜜过程”的制作卡片出处怎么写问题在于出处 帮我改改英语文章A:Hello,Jiang ning,how are you?B:Fine,Thank you,and you?A.me too.In recently I did the importantance things in my life.B:the importance things in your life?what things?It must be very interesting.A:I help the handicapped stude Today is my grandma's birthday.Father,mother and I first decide tobuy some presents for her.Then we take a bus to grandma's home.My uncle and grandma are waiting for us when we get there.They show their happiness for our coming.When Igive the present 中国历史上人神分离的时代是A舜尧B夏C殷商D西周 尧老年的时候,舜继承了尧的位置,采用的办法是 禅让制是从谁开始的,有是从谁结束的?(老师说是尧开始的,他是舜的继承) 刮目相看与哪个人物有关? 写出相关人物6指鹿为马7闻鸡起舞8望梅止渴9凿壁借光10刮目相看 写出下面成语相关的人物主角. 三顾茅庐(_______)刮目相看(________)江郎才尽(________)做完必采纳! Please look it up in the dictionary when you don't know the m___ of the world. 写出下列成语涉及到的人物:一鼓作气 刮目相看 天天富翁,卡片上的ABC哪种更好呢? 天天富翁钻石魔方a阶必出卡盒是什么意思 财神的种类与寓意 72贤人是怎么死的 历史上著名的汉初三杰分别是怎么死的啊! I am e to try that new ride over there 真希望每天都是这样英语怎么说? ——Can my dad drive me to the beach?——No.There is no___case.We___all ride our bikes there.——Can my dad drive me to the beach?——No.There is no_____case.We_____all ride our bikes there.A.special;should B.ordinary;should C.special;might D 也都是如此 英语怎么说情况一是这样的,情况二、三、四……也都是如此。 “每天对我来说都是黑色的”翻译成英语怎么说啊? 成语“东山再起”说的是上虞哪一位古代贤人?说的是哪一个历史事件?“东山再起”说的是上虞哪一位古代贤人?说的是哪一个历史事件?说的是哪一个历史事件? 成语“东山再起”说的是哪一个历史事件?简洁些,希望压缩一下.不超过30个字不要为了得分随便查 在成语东山再起中,相关历史人物是谁 成语" 东山再起"的故事快 东山再起这个成语是什么历史人物 “你是我专属的”用英语怎么说要具体点. 世界上人口最多的大州是什么,其总人口约占世界总人口的百分之几拜托各位大神 什么故事是说明,光说不做的