
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 07:11:53
怎么样做一张完美的统计表要求:1.2张表格链接在一起2.在第一张表上只要出入关键字就会跳出第二张表上的内容 ( )A strong wind came and sent the feathers he put in the box _____in the floatB.floatingC.floatedD.float改同义句No matter how difficult it is,he will never give up his hope.___________the difficulty,he will never have his hope _________ 一个棱锥的各条棱长全部相等,则这个棱锥的底面边数可能为? 四棱锥有几条异面直线,简单说明下,谢谢!是几组打错 一个棱锥的棱数是一百,则这个棱锥是几棱锥,面数是多少 I listened to radio ( )he She can ( )I He likes stories .so ( ) theyWe went inside .So ( )theyMary is 10 years ( ) weShe was a teacher,so ( ) IThey are good ( )weI do my homework by myself so ( )she 岔气是怎么会事? ricordati sempre di guella bambina 这是哪国语言啊,求翻译 在第28回中找几个句子说贾宝玉内心是怎样将薛宝钗和林黛玉两位美人相比的 求一段有趣剧本,三分钟英语演讲关于Harry Poter的, HARRY POTER 里 福灵剂的英文? 耳所习闻是什么意思呢? 英语翻译.快吖..在此谢过! 注错习之所积耳解释一下3Q ADVISING BANK IS NOMINATED AS THE TRANSFERRING BANK这句话是什么意思 请问表示忍耐力的tolerance 和endurance有何区别?谢谢麻烦说详细点,我看不太懂你的说法。谢谢 老师让围绕tolerance和understand的区别3分钟口语,高手帮帮忙吧,急! 请问以下英文怎样翻译 Good morning, We are waiting to receive copies of the models of spring-summer 从关系上来说,香菱学诗应由宝钗指点,但宝钗却一直反对.一向多愁善感,羸弱多病,孤从关系上来说,香菱学诗应由宝钗指点,但宝钗却一直反对.一向多愁善感、羸弱多病、孤傲尖刻的林黛玉则 自称是“巴比伦之王”和“世界四方之王”的是 you're a worker,I'm a worker,too.合并成一句.求正解. 有"世界童话之王"之称的安徒生是哪国人 关于before~Nearly a week had passed______the girl was able to explain what had happened to her.A.till B.that C.before D.while个人在till与before 之间徘徊,具体该怎么选择,期待有见解的朋友们回迅, 一道初三关于before的选择题Did you ask your aunt______two days before?A.what was happened to her B.what she happenedC.what she had happened to D.what had happened to her ago / before选择题Mr Smith said that John _____ him all about his past three weeks _____?A.had told...agoB.had told...before选ago还是before?为什么? 七夏什么意思? Did Miss Gao teach your English Last year此句话错误在哪里,如何改正 pros and cons having university degree 内容该怎么写?请求热心人士提议下得到大学文凭的好处与坏处的内容给我做参考~(用中文也无所谓) having a university degree is far from an insurance of being intelligent. 是什么意思 汝曹是什么意思? 献帝春秋 使汝百人来,其无如我何;曹公自来,未可知耳. Error reading PrintDialogl怎样翻译?