
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 05:23:47
说说换位思考的好处,举例说明最好有古有今 I want to be a pilot in the future.(改为同义句) My ____ ____ is to be a pilot.Why don't you learn another language?(改为同义句)_____ ______ learn another language?If you want to be a well-knoen player,you should practice ___(play)soccer 就是列举你从媒体报道中了解到,或从生活中观察到的事例,为下列核心知识提供例证.货币的本质是一般等价物.例证:价值决定价格,供求影响价格,例证:消费水平主要受居民收入水平和物价 高一政治公司经营成败的三个因素 Tony always works hard in our class.He is a very e______ student. 那只猫正从树上跳下 英语句子 急用, 从树上跳下来英语怎么写 if you are sick,[see the doctor]划线部分提问if you are sick,see the doctor划线部分提问       ------- I want to be a pet doctor50词左右 急 宠物医生 see the if you'll are sick doctor you连词成句 i even want to be a doctor.我看美剧里很多口语里都有EVEN这个词,但是如果翻译成汉语最好说成什么呢? give the tickets to ____who are fond of pop musicA,anyone B,those C,some D,somebody为什么 不选A... 洋槐树像什么? 洋槐树 1.在作者的心目中为什么认为"洋槐仍不失为我心中一棵伟岸的树”?2.选文从那几个方面描写了洋槐的外形?各有什么特点?3.选文第2段写洋槐树的花时,还提到了小蜜蜂、蜂农,这有什么 The children are fond of listening to pop music.其中be fond of 是形容词词组,他是做谓语?listening是介词宾语,那后面的to pop music 是什么成分?状语? 描写洋槐树的句子 哪里有卖洋槐树 洋槐树像什么造句 翻译:And get a name of"The Empress of J-Pop". JACK runs a factory.He works very hard.怎么翻译 照样子写词语:例(笔墨纸砚)——文房四宝( )--植物总称( )--动物总称( )--地表水总称( )——一年四季( )--建筑物总称( )--宇宙物质总称 有关生命的格言 要有作者的 快 you think who you are!这个句子对吗?语法是不是不正确? 短文《李子核》的答案 Her eyes shone with _____ when she got her mother's hug.(happy)词形转换用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子Her eyes shone with _____ when she got her mother's hug.(happy) She rushed out,with tears in her eyes.这句怎么改成倒装句? see the if you,ll are sick doctor you的连词成句 Don't worry If you are sick,see the doctor.Take some medicine and drink hot drinks.Stay in for days.You will fell better soon.句子意思及每个单词意思 晚霞 词语( )的晚霞 劲多音字组词急. 初二英语听力材料的书如题.要做的.全做听力的,有光盘或磁带 The doctor asked him to stay _____ for 2 or 3 days.A.on the bed B.in bed C.in the bed D.be in bed