
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 20:42:52
在校生考英语四级可以在校外报考么? 谁有英文笑话.带中文翻译. 非在校生可以考英语四级吗? 大学四级一定要在校生才可以考吗? 简单的英文笑话越有趣越好,还要中文意思, 以及……要简单,适合初二. 2010年非在校生可以考英语四级吗?如果可以如何报名啊 一个英文笑话纯英文! 已知变量x,y之间的关系式为y=(a的平方+2a)x+(a+2)(其中a是常数),那么y是x的一次函数吗? “我与家长同读书”写一篇作文400字左右 The station was crowded ____ so many people that the boy got lost.a:with b:of c:from d:by 已知集合A={x|2a-2 解读一篇寓言最好关于《黔之驴》的 中华民族的英雄事迹 电大大专生可以考英语四级吗我现在很想考可以吗 《秋天的怀念》母亲说”好好活儿\“和我说的”要好好活\“各有什么含义? 阅读题, 秋天的怀念 她出去了...要好好活儿...主要表现了什么? 要短的抗日的英雄事迹 秋天的怀念母亲的母亲说好好儿活的含义 英语翻译1、希望爸爸妈妈和好,给我一个完整的家.2、司机叔叔请你开慢点,别让无情车轮夺走无辜生命.3、恨自己不是万能的上帝,去下令不准地震. 英语翻译不是每一句对不起都能换来没关系 .翻译成英文怎么讲呀 ..最好准确点呀 .还想要几个更准确点的...感觉 朝如青丝529 的回答很不错 .先看看还有没更好的回答. 英语翻译Last Sunday,in my return from a weekend in the country,I took a taxi from Waterloo Station to my home in North London.We hadn’t gone very far before we had to stop at one of the many traffic lights.Just as the light was changing to gree 英语翻译love with your smile.1) I love you not because of who you are,but because of who I am when I am with you.2) No man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is,won"t make you cry.3) The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right 求英语高手指导下六级该怎么系统看书才能过啊?!我四级考的一般吧,所以还请高手教我怎样才能过六级,如果只是单纯的背单词我就觉得没什么用,用什么联想法之类的,感觉除了见过还是记不 英语翻译To make the sign for the word fine,a person spreads out the fingers on one hand,touches the thumb to the chest ,and moves the hand away from the chest.Signing is not just done with the hands.Expressions on the face are also different.The 马上要考六级了,肿么办? 理想既是一种获得,理想又是一种牺牲 流沙河写的 In an hour,we can travel to places which would have taken our ancestors days to reach 13.If we ______permitted,we would have started our journey two days ago.A:have B:have been C:had been D:are In an hour,we can travel to places _____ would have taken our ancestors days to reach.填which or where,为什么先行词在从句中做主语,the place take sb.some time to reach 的句型对吗? 理想既是一种获得,理想又是一种牺牲什么意思?一些单位 Luckily,we'd bought a road map,without ___ we would have lost our way.A.it B.that C.this D.which为什么选D,不选其他.