
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:06:13
i can cook the meals for my mom 否定式 tim can cook meals .改为否定句tim [ ] [ ] meals. 翻译一下:六级ON the importance of a name 作文的第一句话.The moment when we came into this world, we bear a name: A genaral name, human being, shared by all of us , distinct our traits, our aptitudes and our identities from other creat No students can answer th question的同义句 --- --- --- ---can answer the question ___ person with a little common sense should abide by the rulesA.each B.one C ,any 应该选择哪一个,为什么啊 ___students with a little common sense should be able to answer the question为什么用any 不用 each 或one May I know your address?A Sure.Here you areB I have no ideaC It's far from hereD Sorry,I've forgotten There are four ____ and two ____ at the ____. 为什么是johns,marys,doctor's She Cooks the meals.对还是错? 1、-May I go out now? -No.You ( ) let your mother know first. A.may B.can C.need D.must2、Be quiet,please,and your voice ( ) be heard.A.may B.mustn't C.shouldn't D.can说明理由,急 First of all,you must know what profession suits youryour不是形容词吗,怎么可以放在suit后面呢麻烦指导指导 You must go first for your ______.A save B safeC safetyD safely He made a complaint,which indicated that 还是which indicates that? The goods____when they reached the railway station.A.were just loading B.were just being loaded C.had just loaded D.were just been loaded Students are _____ to develop good study and living habits in schoolsl.A hoped B reminded C suggested D demanded为什么不用A 30.Students are to develop good study and living habits in schools.30.Students are ____ to develop good study and living habits in schools.A.hoped B.reminded C.suggested D.demanded请解释A&B 翻译:Notice the stressed sound .underline the stressed sound in these words 也是翻译. snowman和snowmen的区别 Families___a big dinner together on New Year's Eve. 英语---- 连词成句 boy,books,for,for,they,the,the,paid he paid 5 yuan for the ball.用英语怎么解释句子? 英语翻译求翻译一下英文The employee paid for his bold remark by gettting extra work.最好从语法的角度分析下by后面的句子. father paid 5,000 yuan for the new conputer 请教英语达人We conceive of the family as being in a constant state of change.We conceive of the family as being in a constant state of change.为什么conceive后面要跟一个of呢,如果去掉We conceive the family as being in a constant sta he paid the bill by the check in US dollar.为什么用in?all banks pay interest on saving accuonts.为什么用on? It takes him one hour to draw the picture.保持原意:He __one hour __the picture. i don't know which sportswoman i should support.=i don' know ______ ______ ______ ______ 门头沟区九届人大会一次会议通过的政府工作报告提出,门头沟区今年国内生产总值和财政收入都要增长( )% our sports meeting has been ( )because of the bad weather.a.put on b.put up c.put off d.put out 什么是政府收支分类 our sports meeting has been till next monday beacause of bad weatherA put onB put upC put offD put down She chased all over town for looking for a dress in her size这句话对吗?