
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 21:50:23
I( ) like that kind of moviesA:too B:also C:to D:either第一句是I like thrillers 箱子里有白球和红球共30个,每次取出5个红球和3个白球,取几次后,剩下的红球是白球的二分之一原来红球有几个 3个红球和2个白球扔在一个盒子里,随便拿出一个球在放回去,再拿一个球是红球的概率是多少? 中国古代有多少个古国 中国古代西南古国名 有哪些?请附带现在是什么地方 古代中国是世界四大发明了古国.(修改病句) 中国是古国吗? 世界上四大古文明古国是哪四大? 《中国古国的今天》怎样写? 急,ssat的数学部分难吗小学程度够吗?我看官方那本preparing and applying的题蛮简单的,真正考的题会难很多吗?(希望真正考过,清楚的人才答)注意,是有两个s的,不是sat,这个问题已经问过两次了, SSAT数学the price of a cold roast beef lunch is $4.80 and the price of a hot roast beef lunch is $5.40.If both prices include 20 percent for tax and tip,what is the difference in price before tax and tip? of the 50 hotels in the hilltop hotels chain,5 have indoor swimming pools and 15 have outdoor swimming pools.What percent of all hilltop hotels have either an indoor or an outdoor swimming pool? 还是不太明白ssat数学if m is a positive integer,and if 3+16/m is an interger less than 19,which of the following must be true of A:m=19,B:m is even,C:m=16,D:m is a prime number E:m is a multiple of four 但我觉得C是正确的,只不过不 英语翻译In a situation like this the basic concern in realizing efficient regulation is to harmonize policies towards central government's goals.In practice,this was realized through SCs getting involved in regulatory routine.The fragmented regim 英语翻译In 1978 China entered an era called the `system reform and market opening.The traditional socialist regime began to undergo a series of reforms towards `socialism market economy.Hence Chinese reform has been to adopt market economy while sinθ与cosθ的平方 取得最大值时θ的大小为多少?sinθ 乘以 cosθ的平方 取得最大值时θ的大小 需要详细解题过程 THANK YOU ! 英语翻译内容如下:由于圣诞节快到了,货运公司很忙.所以你的货物可能会推迟2天收到.希望你能理解并请耐心等待.翻译成英语. 英语翻译South Korea and the United States have agreed to increase bilateral cooperation in developing shale gas,South Korea's commerce and energy minister said Monday,a move that will bring Seoul closer to using the new and cheap source of energy 英语翻译The move is part of the country's long-term biennial plan to stabilize the electricity supply.The plan has been announced since 2002 but was delayed last year until today due to the frequent power shortage emergency situations caused by t 判断正误:对联中上联的最后一个字是第三声或第四声,下联的最后一个字是第一声或第二声, 根据对联最后一个字可以知道是上下联吧?一个是富 一个是高 女生叫男生努力工作是什么意思? 数学式子怎样化简,第一个式子怎样化简得到第二个式子? 有甲,乙,丙,丁四名同学,分到3个教室,且每个教室至少1人,甲,乙不能分在一个教室内,共有几种分法 将甲乙丙丁四名学生分到3个班,每班至少1名学生,甲乙不能分到同一个班,则有多少种分法答案是30种我要方法 将甲乙丙丁四名学生分到三个不同的班,每个班至少分到一名学生,且甲乙两名学生不能分到同一个班则不同的分发有多少求过程. 有甲,乙,丙,丁四名同学,分别进入4个教室,且每个教室至少1人,甲,乙不在一个教室内,共有几种分法 将甲、乙、丙、丁四名学生分到三个不同的班,每个班至少分到一名学生,且甲、乙两名学生不能分到同一个班,则不同的分法有多少为种? 求正解 如图 光滑斜面的倾角是30°,两个质量分别是m,2m的A,B物体,通过滑轮用不可延伸的轻绳相连接,开始时用手把持使整体静止,放开手后,物体开始运动后,球绳子拉力大小 求正解如图 光滑斜面的倾角是30°,两个质量分别是m,2m的A,B物体,通过滑轮用不可延伸的轻绳相连接,开始时用手把持使整体静止,放开手后,物体开始运动后,球绳子拉力大小 应用题+填空题1.两个圆柱的高相等,底面半径的比是2:3,它们的体积比是( ).2.同学们用彩纸制作10个圆柱形灯罩,每个灯罩高35厘米,底面周长是47.1厘米,至少需要用多少彩纸?3.一个圆柱形铁皮 帮忙算一下这两个化简.