
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 10:54:06
英语连词成句 ways many are there go somewhere They arrived at teh small village_____(safe)at lastThey arrived at the small village_____(safe)at last there are many ways to go somewhere. 连词成句:there,many,are,to,go,there,ways. 七上科学密度(好评) they arrive at a small village提问at a small village 这公式我知道,但我不知道怎么套用的这公式, They stood there for an hour,watching the game.They stood there for an hour____ _____ the game. They stood there for an hour,the game 应该选那个?A:watching B:watched C:to watch D:were watching 能说说为什么其他错吗? 英语翻译 林肯统一了美国南北用英语怎么说?很地道的用法怎么表达? "贯通南北东西"用英语怎么说 厦门有哪几条高架路 东西,南北,东南用英语怎么说 In the evening they arrived at the village.There happened to be a celebration forThere happened to be a celebration for harvest that evening.句子合并含定语从句的主从复合句 They ( )a village in the evening and live there . A.arrive B.arrive at C.leave for D.morning 桑葚的生长地桑葚是生长在桑树上的一种果实吗?就是有桑叶的那种桑树. 桑葚生长在什么季节 桑葚这样能长大小吗我把桑葚栽花盆里自己挖的苗太小了 这样在花盆里能慢慢的长粗点不 在现代生物科技专题胚胎工程中 在胚胎发育过程中有个叫桑椹胚的时期 这里的桑椹跟我们食用的桑葚是一个意 请问吃桑葚好还是喝桑椹酒好? There are many ways to go somewhere.改为否定句 还有一般疑问句 宋词婉约派什么意思 求翻译 求分析句子结构 Nothing is so big that it is impossble to get over 先谢啦 impossble is nothing!中文的翻译是什么? nothing is impossble to a willing heart 什么意思翻译一下 宋词中的婉约派 那个最著名. 变色龙如何避免被其他动物吃掉 The woman told the boy _____with fire A.not play B.don't play C.not to play D.don't to playThe woman told the boy _____with fire A.not play B.don't play C.not to play D.don't to play ___ we need is reading more.此句中缺什么成分?为什么? “兵者,诡道也.故能而示之不能,用而示之不用,近而示之远,远而示之近……”这段话启示我们要:A按客观规律办事B透过现象看本质C准备走曲折的路D坚持从实际出发 谁有威尼斯商人整本书得重点句子的分析 就是这个句子能代表什么有什么作业 急用 我没财富了 急用