
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:31:59
英文字母“Z”和“J”的发音是不是一样啊?求正确发音!是不是发音都是“zei”? 英文字母G、J、Z怎样发音、发音有什么不同? 英文字母J与G读音怎么区分,最好有音标.就是为什么分不能给几个人呢 subject to contract什么意思 外贸函电中的be subject she beat me every time _ the first year .on of for 哪一个,在年份前面不是用in吗 SHE翻唱的中文EVERY TIME的歌名我特喜欢英文版的EVERY TIME 这首歌.想听听看SHE唱的,可是不知道歌名,上网查叻好像是爱情的海洋.可是一听不对啊,不是EVERY TIME的调啊.奇怪 She told me the homework_____her much time every day She always has a good time____the violin every dayA playB playingC to playD played By the time she’s twenty,she _______ almost every where in the world!A.will be B.would have been C.will have been D.would be 英语翻译请各位英语达人帮忙翻译下面的汉语,我讲奉献我得全部财产!我们做任何事情都会事先做个计划,建筑工程也不例外.施工进度计划是施工组织设计的中心内容,它要保证建设工程按合 英语翻译今天,我怀着激动的心情观看了建国60周年国庆阅兵式.开场是胡锦涛总书记在众人瞩目中进入天安门城楼,此后,振奋人心的阅兵开始了!各种新式坦克,装甲车,战斗机,还有令全世界震惊 请教:英文达人帮忙翻译,120个词左右就成麻烦各位英文强人帮忙翻译下面的汉语,尽量华丽点哈~~·不胜感激!我们做任何事情都会事先做个计划,有了计划能让我们做事做的更加自如,从而达到 英语字母N怎么读?嗯还是哎赢还是矮呢? it was the first time she had ever_ _ marriage.A_said B_spoken of C_told D_wanted it is the first time that she had been here 哪里错了 25.It was a most significant day for Nancy,______ for the first time in her life she gave birth t25.It was a most significant day for Nancy,______ for the first time in her life she gave birth to a baby.    A.that    英语翻译歌词如下:for the first time(jud friedman,allen rich,james newton-howard)are those your eyesis that your smilei've been looking at you foreveryet i never saw you beforeare these your hands holding minenow i wonder how i could have be 英语翻译this information presented in this manual is subjectes to change without notice as inprovements are made be subject to 与be subjected to 的区别 他星期天一般去哪?翻译成英语 two hundred fifty-seven thousand 是多少? one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven 与 Eighteen fifty-seven 有什么区别 come in反义词是什么? come in (反义词) 英语26个字母怎么读 SUBJECT TO 我收到一个海运报价单,海运费的下面会写上一句“SUBJECT TO BAF+CAF+PSS”请问这里的SUBJECT TO要怎么理解,这里要理解为是要再另外加上BAF、CAF、PSS这些费用吗?还是说上面的海运费就是最 be not subject The goods shall be dispatched from Norfolk Port in bulk and are not subject to packing and marking.是没必要的意思还是不能的意思?是命令性的语气吗 cold(写反义词)______________________ 什么反义词. seven half有没有这样说的呢?只是提时间的.能不能这样说? 英语翻译不要用在线翻译那种白痴的东西!