
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 12:58:26
THE EMPIRE OF THE STEPPES怎么样 THE OPEN EMPIRE怎么样 The British empire 怎么解释 Ten days ago the young man informed his boss of his intention to ________.填空 I feel happy when I Finished my homework //为什么不用过去完成时? teacher's words in class means less work later 这什么意思? Her friend's eyes are big and brown.(改为同义句) what's English for this word?=( )同义句 英语,what does this word mear?(同意句转换)__ __ __of this word? “难道我不是你的朋友么?”用英语怎么说 《格列佛游记》读后感2000字 How much are there pants改为意思一致的句子尽快 雅思口语 part1 是直接问吗还是有题目打印在纸头上? 英语翻译去买东西时,人家问c'est pour emporter ou pour manger sur 雅思口语part1一个问题一般答几句比较好啊.准备两句够吗? 雅思口语PART1如果有一题没答上怎么给分谢谢你的回答,实际上,我是在那时那刻一下子忘记了那个单词的意思而已,实际上那个单词我在上周做模拟测试时还说过,可就在考场上一时蒙住 用适当形式填空:1.The room is a nice place for____(live)in.2.Do you have any ideas about haw_____(solve)the noise problem?3.翻译句子.1.春天是游览苏州的最佳时间.(两种)Spring is_______________________________________Suzhou It's a wonderful place to live 与we won't have enough room to live in .后者带in 而前者不带 为什么 May god bless my mother my father and all my family thank you very much. Services.exePIE 专四note的格式最好详细一些 英语长句找不到主语适用Provided that this Extension shall not apply to liability in respect of such loss or damage if the liability is assumed by you under a tenancy or other agreement and would not have attached in the absence of such agre 2011专四Note Writing里的问题(不了解的别进别乱回答,今年的专四Note Writing要求写一封邀请函,题目是这样的:During the summer vacation you would like to invite your friend to your home town.Write a note to him/her,ext ,2012英语专四note有语法错误本来是to 加动词原形的我写成了to meeted and helped,另一处是把offer you help 写成offer your help ,那还会得多少分呢~ student matric card是什么 请问school and student support 填表的时候 student to/ wits 怎么写 student id card作文在线等待关于那个的英语作文…急………… 擦玩具用英语怎么写 翻译 [你能帮我个忙吗?】 Could you [ ] [ ] [ 读一读,将发音相同的单词进行分类!may room stair dear blue hair play today hear near noom chair say:air:ear:june: 电脑英文单词的正确读音有哪位高手读一读