
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 18:25:02
高中英语必修3语法 x^2+5x-990=0,求x^3+6x^2-985x+2010 x^4+6x^2=5x^3 高一数学不等式证明题(基本不等式)已知a、b、c为不全相等的正数,求证:lga+lgb+lgc<lg9[(a+b)/2]+lg[(b+c)/2]+lg[(c+a)/2] 证明:2(√(n+1)-1)<1+1/√2+1/√3+···+1/√n<2√nP个S:√(n+1)为根号下的(n+1),1/√2为1除以根号2 根号(a^2+b^2)+根号(b^2+c^2)>=根号2(a+b+c) 问一个关于高一数学不等式的题目(必须说明原因)不等式 2请说明是怎样推到的,不要太笼统。我认为这种题目应该有个方法,而不是靠单纯的代数字。不过二楼已经不错了, 高一集合与函数题 几道英语题(关于定语从句的).1.找出下面句子中的错误并改正Where is the girl who is playing here just now?___________________________________.2.句型转换,每空一词.I like eating bread with butter better(写同义句)I _ 急需:几道英语定语从句题 关于英语的定语从句的几道题目1.Such things ____you described are rare now.A)as B)who C)that D)which2.Tom did not take the camera away because it was just the same camera ____he lost last week.A)which B)that C)whom D)as这两题都是选 不等式2^x²-5x+5>1/2的解集是请把这个涉及到的知识点说说,如果可以把过程写下来, 求X²-5x+60 这2个不等式的解集 5x²+4-3x²-5x-2x²-5+6x,其中,x=-3 2分之3x+6=33解方程 英语定语从句题~1.The picture reminds him of those days_____he spent with his friends in his childhood.A.when B.which C.on which D.as2.He always remember those days_____he was taken good care of by the villagers.A.when B.which C.on which D.wher It is in great need of nurses with the experience of guiding (指导) different activities It is in great need of nurses _____________ of guiding (指导) different activities 英语定语从句的几道题1.To get the job started -----I need is your permission.A only what B all what C all that D only that答案是C,这是个什么从句,我选的B2.My father bought me several books,but----- was interestingA most of them B 【【英语定语从句】】英语定语从句几道题1.Alomst every student hopes the days will be gone forever _______they have to come to school at 7 am.A,when b,that c,while d,which2.he is our headmaster ,from _____room he can see the whole sc 关于英语定语从句的一道题 f(x)=1/x+1,求f(1/x)的定义域f(x)=1/(x+1),求f(1/x)的定义域 过程~ 高一数学函数 1.设f(x)s是R上的奇函数,且满足f(x+2)=-f(x),当0≤x≤1时,f(x)=x,则f(3.5)=?2.若f(1/x)=1/(x+1),则f(x)=? 2012∧2-2013×2011 几道英语定语从句的问题1.The reason____she gave up teaching was her serious illnessA.for that B.for which C.which D.why2.The reason____he was dismissed is not difficult to explainA.that B.for which C.which D.for that3.The day___she played w x2+y2=1,求x+y的最小值 已知动圆x^2+y^2-2mx-4my+6m-2=0恒过两个定点,这两个定点的坐标是? 4分之3x+8分之1等于2分之1(解方程, 已知不等式(x-2)/2 英语题目定语从句I have read the book Walden,and (its) writer is an American thinker.如果我要用whose,那是不是要把and去掉?逗号需要去掉吗?逗号不去掉是不是就是非限制性定语从句?可以用whose把这句分别改 平面内三点A、B、C在一条直线上,向量OA=(-2,m),向量OB=(n,1),向量OC=(5,-1),且向量OA垂直于向量OB,求实数m、n的值. 用分解因式法解下列方程 [1]x(x+1)-5x-5=0 [2](2x+3)^2-(x-1)^2=0 [3](x+根号3)^2=4根号3x