
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 05:16:19
三分之二x-1-六分之五x-1=1求过程 请问1.31*12.5*0.15*16的值,怎么样快速算法?同上 720除36简便运算 (-35)+51+|-26|+(-42)=(算式写上) (—35)+51+|—26|+(—42)简便算式怎么写啊 0、26>( )分之51>0、25 0.(62个0)26*0.(51个0)15= 某宾馆先把甲乙两种空调的设定温度都调高1度,结果甲种空调比乙种空调每天多节电27度,再对乙种空调清洗设备,使得乙种空调每天的总节电量是只将温度调高1度后的节电量的1.1倍,而甲种空 某宾馆先把甲乙两种空调的设定温度都调高1度,结果甲种空调比乙种空调每天多节电27度,再对乙种空调清洗设备,使得乙空调每天的总结电量是只将其温度调高1摄氏度后节电量的1.1倍,而甲空 某宾馆先把甲、乙两种空调的设定温度都调高1℃甲种比乙种每天多节电27度后面是:再对乙种清洗使得乙种空调每天的总节电量是只将温度调高1℃后的节电量的1.1倍,而甲种不变,这样两种空 某宾馆先把甲、乙两种空调的设定温度都调高1°C,结果甲种空调比乙种空调每天多节电27°;再对乙种空调清洗 晚上后半夜如果外面比室内温度还低些,空调设置的温度还高些,空调会不会由制冷变成制热?耗电有何变化? 新空调但房间温度降不下来新装的空调1.5P 3200制冷量.房间大概是15平米高3米,顶楼,阳台白天有太阳直晒,房间还有台冰箱.温度降不下来,最好就降到28度,29度差不多,室外30多度.空调出风口测过 怎么将无线电调成英语 通过收音机的英文 收音机的英文是? 收音机 我想听英语的~请问怎么调啊?BBC或ABC~ 英语翻译my rabbitsOne day,my mother bought two little rabbits for me.I’m very happy.From that on,the two little rabbits became my good friends.They have two little ears,red eyes,with white and fat boby.They’re marvellous.Everyday,they play wi 英语翻译If you want to have an MP3 player and you also want to have a watch,you can think of getting this one.The watch comes in 128MB and 256MB versions.Boys may like it while some girls may think it is not so good looking. 英语翻译 英语翻译Can you make a telephone call?Of course you can make it in Chinese but I don't know whether you can in English.The call in English is quite different from what it is in Chinese.If you want to ask someone to answer the telephone,you cannot 英语翻译我起个头:Bob's mom is mad.His room is a mess……我没赏分了,对不起哦 英语翻译Bob's mom is mad.His room is a mess!she says,"Clean your room!"Bob puts his toys under his bed.Bob puts his dirty clothes under his bedBob puts his books under his bedHe say,"My room is clean now." 英语翻译Bod's mom is mad.His room is in a mess!She says,"Clean your room!"Bod puts his toys under his bed.Bod puts his dirty clothes under his bed.Bod puts his books under his bed.He says,"My room is ciean now." 英语翻译Clean your room!Bob’s mom is mad.His room is in a mess!She says,"Clean your room!"Bob puts his toys under his bed.Bob puts his dirty clothes under his bed.Bob puts his books under his bed.He says,"My room is clean now." 英语翻译Penguins live together,but each pair has a little of ground of theri own.When a penguin wants to walk through its nerghboure's ground ,it must ask permission.If it does not,it will have to fight.Penguins come and go all day.They catch fis 英语翻译Henry is a little fatter than he wants to be.He wants to lose some weight.So he is on a diet.He tries not to eat too much and he eats very little sugar because it will make him fat.He also does exercises everyday.He swims,and he runs abou 英语翻译您好,我刚加入百度,目前财富值为0.所以我无法提供悬赏.但是我很需要您的帮忙:就是将下面一篇短文翻译成英文.我的梦想是开一家花店.因为从小到大,我都喜欢花.五颜六色,千姿百 介绍家乡春天的天气及人的活动 (作文)用英语 英语翻译看到这么一则宣传单上写的一句话,What is the quichest way to a criminal record in Cambridge?这里 quiche作说明意思讲? 急求一句很短的英文句子的准确翻译The channels into which your thought is directed are largely encountered by chance.PS:我需要最准确,最准确的翻译,软件翻译的就不需要了,不通顺. 英语翻译A:Must it be?B:It must be.是不是可以翻译成:必须这样么?必须.但我觉得还有更好的翻译法,请高人指教,