
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:48:17
Fools Day is in A_____.It"s the f_____month of a year.The tenth month of ayear is O______.Are you a _____at home?NO,Iam studying with my brother.We ue the English Learning M-_____ to study English.Tomorrow is mother"s birthday .We plan to c_____it. 数学题四月4日5点前1、有36块巧克力和39块糖,平均分给若干个小朋友,结果巧克力多一块,糖果少一块.这些巧克力和糖最多分给了多少个小朋友?2.从会场一端到另一端全长100米,从一端起每隔4米 有人能帮我解出这样一道数学题么 求你们了log14^7=a 14^b=5 用 a b 表示lo25^28 I have not gone to see the doctor for a long time,but today ___.a.I'm going to.b.I'm going to see.为什么选a? ---I did not go to see the doctor yesterday .--- but you ____A.ought to B.ought to have 的详解 My sister often goes shopping on Sundays.改为否定句 ---I did not go to see the doctor yesterday .--- but you ____A ought to B ought to have的详解 客家民居在哪 第8课各具特色的民居.客家民居 地位?外形特点?布局?内部构造? 童趣这篇课文以生动的笔触记述了作者儿时的一些“___”“____”的趣事 《童趣》课文具体描写了作者幼时的一些趣事,体现了童年的作者怎样的性格? 看答句写问句:You have to see the docter,if you have the flu. 童趣这篇课文记叙了那几件趣事? Must we go to see a doctor at once when we have the flu?Yes,we must.是什么 You have to send ( ) a doctor at once?填介词 The doctor have to operate ______ him at once.There is something wrong with the man's heart.The doctor have to operate ______ at once.A in B with C on D / 英语问题纠结中.个人喜欢看英语原声带电影,喜欢听英文音乐.而且身边经常有和英语有关的事物.有时我真的很郁闷,为什么我听不懂看不懂,打心底里我真想看懂听懂那些和英文有关的事物.每 求精通英语的大神搭救! 炎亚纶的博客中的文章谁能copy下来给我! 我是残疾人就应该被嘲笑吗我肢体残疾.靠着拐杖行走,我几乎不怎么敢出门,自从爸爸妈妈走了以后没菜和米了我就要出去一下,我一出去一大群孩子跟着我,学我走路.很大人也在对我指指点点. 当有人嘲笑残疾人时,你会怎么想,怎么说, 童趣具体叙述了幼时的几件趣事,体现了作者怎样的性格的情趣?急 把[我们不能嘲笑残疾人,应该尊重他们]翻译成英文 童趣文中的趣事表现了作者年幼时怎样的性格特点快啊. 八大行星一共有多少卫星? 补全对话:A:hello,may I speak to Linda,please?A:hello,may I speak to Linda,please?B:________________________________________C:This is Linda speaking,who is that?… … 补全对话 A:Hello B:Hello May I speak to kate A:This is Kate ( ) .Who’s ( B:Oh ,补全对话A:Hello B:Hello May I speak to kate A:This is Kate ( ) .Who’s ( B:Oh ,hello .This is Tom .I’m going ( ) the cinema .Would you like to go ( ) me I hav 补全对话:Peter:Hello!1____________________.Betty:Hi,Peter.May I speak to Lucy?补全对话:Peter:Hello!1.____________________.Betty:Hi,Peter.May I speak to Lucy?Peter:2.__________________,please.Sorry,she isn't in.3.__________________ 补充对话 A:Hello B:Hello!May I speak to Kate A:This is Kate ( ) .Who’s ( ) B:Oh ,补充对话A:Hello B:Hello!May I speak to Kate A:This is Kate ( ) .Who’s ( ) B:Oh ,hello .This is Tom .I’m going ( ) the cinema .Would you like to go ( ) me I 童趣 描写了童年时期的哪些趣事 童趣围绕什么写了童年的两件趣事童趣围绕"____"写了童年的两件趣事 《星星变奏曲》仿照这首诗用如果.如果.或谁不愿意.谁不愿意 表达一种期盼、、、如果大地的每个角落都充满了光明   谁还需要星星,谁还会  在夜里凝望  寻找遥远的安慰  谁不