
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:55:08
we have school festivals every year改为一般疑问句 一道题噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢把自然数A的所有余数两两求和,又得到若干个自然数,在这些数中,最小的是3,最大的是2250.A=___________ 好评噢噢噢 3题噢噢哦 what makes you so happly?为什么是makes而不是make 做任务噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢 这题怎么做噢噢噢噢噢噢 有甲、乙两个小数,甲数比乙数大5.04,如果乙数的小数点向右移动一位就与甲数相等.甲、乙两个数分别是多 《水经注》中的《龙门》的翻译 水经注龙门字词翻译 水经注 龙门译文 Yang is Yang Liwei's family name.(改为同义句) Yang is Yang Liwei's _______ _______. her's name is miss yangHer's name is miss yang?这个句子对吗?应该是:Her's miss yang.原句是My teacher's name is Miss Li.这句话听着很怪,我觉得应该是:My teacher is Miss Li. my _____(one)name is yang is your bag going to b.your beautiful hat b.虚线处填给了首字母的词 填空:Our math teacher ____(teach) us very well. When he heard the joke,he couldn't help___(laugh)(请写出原因, ou yang feng shi shui 继承者们《Some other day 》中文翻译 You know what I do wait for you to break up是什麽意思?You know what I do wait for you to break up We couldn't see through the is his name mike?( )A:yes,he isB:yes,his name isC:no,it is not 为什么?我觉得B C都对啊 i don't know whether to live or wait可不可以把to live改为i will leave? But we couldn't find them all为什么不是found 不少见颜面在古汉语中每个字具体怎么翻译 They don't know_______to go or wait.(if,whether) 请问古代汉语里都有哪些字翻译成“拜访“?望全面! 求一篇关于个人开支的英语对话Personal BudgetDirections:You and your partner are going to talk about personal budget.Please talk about the way you budget your money and what are your biggestexpense.If you were given 1,000 yuan,would you s 急需一篇英语对白150字左右,最好别有生字, How many people spoke in the story? 英语翻译P31selfcheck 的 2 The space _________will be launched in 2008 will be called Shenzhou VII