
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 17:11:18
月球为什么会有阴晴圆缺的变化? she ______(get) up at 6:30 in the morning.完形填空 May I have your ______ number?—Here it is.We have booked a double room with pool view.A.infor知道的说下, She tends__up late in the I will like to order 6 samples. Does this helicopter fly, what does it actually do?收到客户邮件回复,要6个样品.但是后面那句话他要问什么问题啊?急,在线等(产品太阳能小飞机模型玩具) 扬子石化的污染有多重 沿途他们看见了相当多的花英文过去式 英语翻译(我们和这里的花一起拍照片)要过去式的 花凋谢了(过去式)用英语但是,他所钟爱的花朵在一夜之间凋谢了(过去式)谢谢 到公交站花了我20分钟,翻译成英文是过去式吗? my joints are frozen stiff.(frozen stiff是什么语法现象) 请问一些租房常识,比如single room/master room我想知道single room/master room是不是都要和别人共用厨房?那么有没有一个人住的带厕所厨房的无客厅的房间?那叫什么呢?如果single room 180/W 这要多少? Panic increased the number of casualties as people jumped into the icy water or fought to be among the few to board the lifeboats.这里的 fought to be among the few to board 怎么分析 不是fight to do sth 么 among the few怎么分析 春秋战国时代,按车乘的多少区分国之大小.天子是万乘之国,诸侯是千乘之国.这里乘字应读什么 ()的水 ()的山,例如:不到(长城)非好汉;(盐官)宝塔一线潮填写的应该是两个地名 是约定俗成的 劳烦标明出处 一线潮怎么形成的 关于语法,例句He was found three days later on the edge of death in his room.He was found three days later on 后不用接介词么?在这句话中 the edge of death是什么成分? 一线潮是怎么形成的 一线潮怎么样 It was in a small restaurant of BeiJing ____US vice-president Biden ate Chinese noodles空格处为什么填that,不用where Old Samuel had a small shop.It was next to a very e______ French restaurant.Every day at lunchtime,Samuel went behind the restaurant to e_______ the great smell when eating some brown bread.One day,Saumel was surprised to get an “i______” from th one shall stand one shall one shall be stand one shall be 急、 one shell stand one shell fall 有座宝塔高7层,每层都有红灯,红灯数倍增加,总共381个,问最顶层有多少个红灯? 有一个七层宝塔,上面点着很多灯,下一层总是上一层的2倍,一共有381盏灯,顶尖有多少盏灯 七层宝塔下层红灯数目是相邻上层红灯数的2倍金塔上下共有381盏灯问顶层有几盏灯?方程只求结果和算式 七层的宝塔每层都挂着红灯.每一层灯的数量都是上一层的2倍七层共有381盏灯问最顶层有几盏灯> 唐僧4徒去西天取经,一日傍晚,路过一座院子、院内有一座宝塔,宝塔层层都是红灯,唐僧师徒正想进院数灯,唐僧师徒去西天取经,一日傍晚,路过一座院子、院内有一座宝塔,宝塔层层都是红灯,唐 who would rather go because i She always eats lunch at 1 o'clock改否定句 组词:( )信( ) 疑,例:半信半疑