
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/16 22:18:39
作文 我的生活给我搞一个四到六百字的作文,名字叫我的生活. ( )改变了我的生活 作文最好是音乐改变了我的生活其他的也可以 要长一点的 不要语言特别深奥的 去观光用英语怎么说 避免回忆 或 逃避回忆 英文翻译 《我的生活》作文600字 作文( )走进我的生活600字,语言不要太华丽的,随便给一篇就成,你复制别人的都成就是不要写的太好的 do you think robots will help poeple do e--- at home to help people 作文:什么改变了我的生活先出个很好的题目内容要切和实际 “骑车观光”用英语怎么说是词组哦,不是句子~ 骑自行车旅行 英语怎么说 do you think there will be robots in people's home.句子的结构,准确一点, Do you think there will be robots in people's homes?和 They will study at home on computers.为什么第一个句子中的home是复数形式,第二个不是复数形式~ Do you think people will have robots Yes ,there will ./ Yes ,I do ./ Y es ,I think so .答哪个 英语翻译Sorry I would still like to point out the job of the translator,in translating" Conducting the Reform",I do not think she has to be that over sophisticated working on the matter.Would you please explain what is conduct,and who is the cond 什么改变了我的生活 作文 昨天他带我参观了他的学校.用英语怎么说He_______ ________ _______ his school yesterday. Do you think there will be robots in people's homes? 我可以带你参观我的学校用英语怎么说? 辩论赛:城市好还是农村好我是城市好要在星期三之前给我如果好的悬赏更多 辩论:住城市好还是住农村好.我是正方,即住城市好,开便立论怎么说? 我的生活作文700字以上.要积极向上,语句要优美,可以用排比句开头,水平要高!本人绝不食言!开头用富有诗意的语句,如:人生如茶。刚泡上的头道茶,沸水一沏,茶香四溢,犹如人生初年, 我的生活在幸福之中作文,700字作文, 今天我做主 700字 作文 英语翻译Do you think you will have your own robot?In some science fiction movies,people in the future have their own robots.These robots are just like humans.They help with the housework and do the most unpleasant jobs.Some scientists believe tha 英语翻译In the future,there will be more robots everywhere,and humans will have less work to do.New robots will have many different shapes.Some will look like humans,and others might look like snakes.After an earthquake,a snake robot could help l 英文文章DO you think you will have your own robot?的翻译 英语新目标,Unit1,self check后 Do you think you will have your own robot?文章翻译 新目标英语八年级下册Do you think you will have your own robot?那篇文章怎么翻译Do you think you will have your own robot? In some science fiction movies,people in the future have their own robots.These robots are just like humans.The 我将和父母去远足翻译成英文 能写一篇关于住在城市和乡村的好处与坏处的文章吗?the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city compared with living in the countryside. 在大城市生活有什么好处和坏处?小地方什么都不太方便 【地理】人口迁移对迁入区(城市)和迁出区(农村)的分别的好处和坏处