
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 04:54:38
I can see four cartons of milk on the table.对划线部分(four cartons)提问.今天就要了 I see two cup of milk on the table.改错I see two cup of milk on the table.There isn't some money in the bag. I don't like math and science.The are boring.The number of books on the desk are ten. 三字经"祥训诂 三字经关于感恩与孝敬父母的名句有哪些? 1.写出有关勤奋向上的名言.2.写出讲学习和教育对人的巨大作用的三字经3.写出父亲和老师教育自律和学生的责任的三字经4.写出让我们受到爱国主义是想陶冶的对联5.写出两句有关志向的古 用叠词填空:( )的走路声 ( )的哨子声 ( )的喇叭声 用叠词填空 嘭嘭嘭嘭的敲门声 ( )的喇叭声 ( )的走路声 ( )的哨子声 填合适的叠词 ()地走去()地拥抱()地站着()地看着 怎样的 走路声(叠词 如 哗哗哗哗) 对[ ]提问 1.There are [five glasses of] water on the table.2.I can see [some] books on the desk.3.There is [some money] in the purse.4.There are [thousands of] books in the library.5.There are [two pieces of] bread on the plate. there are seven glasses of water on the table.对划线部分seven glasses water提问How___water___there on the table i can see {a bottle}of water on the table?对括号部分提问 小学生排成方阵做操,最外层80人,一共有多少人? 同学排成方阵做操,最外层有20人,这个方阵共有多少人? 特殊的名词单数变复数 雷达液位计怎么安装 影响雷达液位计的量程参数有哪些? 什么是雷达式液位计,原理是什么 l雷达液位计的分类? 甲速90km每时,乙速60km每时,他们同时同地同方向出发,甲行了80km后返回,途中与乙相遇,这时离出发多长时间? 用叠词填空 ( )喇叭声 ( )敲锣声快 甲乙两车同时从相距90km的两地相对开出,三分之二小时后两车在途中相遇.甲车每小时行60km,乙车每小时行多少千米? there are four books on the table对划线部分提问There are four books on the table.(对划线部分提问) _____ _____ books _____ _____ on the table?We should return the books to the library on time.(改成同义句) We should _____ _____ t there are four large bowls of noodles on the table.对划线部分提问,划线部分是four___ ___ large bowls of noodles ___ ___ on the table? Here are four glasses of milk on the table用 here is 改写句子~ I can see four eggs on the table.对four提问 英语语法问题 单复数的问题People have more opportunity to travel abroad to learn about the cultures of other countries.当中的可数的opportunity为什么不用复数形式opportunity可数 英语语法里的“单数”、“复数”,是神马意思啊? ()的击鼓声 填叠词今天就要! ( )的敲门声填叠词 子弹声( )( )填叠词 in pen和with a pen是不是说加了冠词就要用with?那么如果换作some ink 呢?可以算作用with 吗?这句话“Do you have any ink to write in?”(是正确的)可以参考,可以说就是“write in some ink”了吗?