
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 10:01:21
Someone ask you,“Do you know where Paris is?”ask要不要加后缀“S”? 单选题:( )you don't know the secret,I will ask someone else.A.Unless B.Since C.While D.Although I am sorry I dont know please ask[ ] A someone else B anyone else C else anyone D else someone 声母韵母表图 声母韵母表的字母是什么? I know someone else _ father works here.大家知道空处填什么吗?希望能给一点详细的解释.Thank you !是构成定语从句的,好像要填whose但不知为什么 I know a boy whose father is a driver中,whose 做什么成分,修饰什么? reminds me of someone else I know让我想起了我认识的人? 中国29.90元等于马币多少令吉? 完成做某事用英语怎么说finish ( ) sth.再写几个其他finish的用法 请问“完成”用英语怎么说? 完成…去做…用英语怎么说 B BOX撮碟怎么发音有助于回答者给出准确的答案 孔子的成就是啥? b box的发音问题SNARE 的发音 貌似差很多啊,比如 贵晶的 和 广州的毛发毛天 就差很多.这个我应该 学谁的哇,蛋疼.咋办 根据首字母填空 1.I'm sorry I don't know you.Maybe you have c____ me with someone else .2.When she was standing by the window,the woman o____ a man walking in the opposite side if the way.3.W_____ you work,you must serve the people wholehearted You must have someone---the carA repair b Brepair c repaired D repairing Have you ever helped someone that you didn't know?someone为什么不改anyone 英语翻译快速翻译… 仲尼相鲁,景公患之.谓晏子曰:“邻国有圣人,敌国之忧也.今孔子相鲁若何?”晏子对曰:“君其勿忧.彼鲁君,弱主也;孔子,圣相也.君不如阴重孔子,设以相齐,孔子强谏而不听,必骄鲁而有齐,君 丘吉尔的名言 鲁与孔子有什么关系 求助丘吉尔名言!他有句名言好像是:过去的战争是荣耀的,而现在是肮脏的“求完整准确版 孔子登东山而小鲁后面是什么?需要整篇. 孔子登山而小鲁后一句是什么? 找一部关于美国火山爆发的电影!那电影的大概内容是:片子的开头有一对男女去泡温泉,后来他们死在了温泉里面. They are going to meet at the gate(at about eight).用what time对括号部分提问. 英语翻译But on other occasions Hardy abandoned a perilous,risky and highly energizing impulse in of what was for him the fatally relaxing favor impulse to classify and schematize abstractly.in of what , B-BOX小鼓发声口技B-BOX中小鼓到底怎么发音啊 it is time to do sth和it is time for sth有何区别?什么情况下用哪个?要例句 是it is time to do sth还是 it is the time to do sth It is time to do sth和It is time for sth有区别吗?