
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:45:28
last but not the least还是lastly but not the least啊 自学英语,请好心人帮助. 高分!现在打算用几年的时间,把英语水平提高到较高的水平.但市面上的教育书质量参差不齐,我选了很长时间也不知哪个好,希望得到大家的帮助.请根据我的情况来回 农历1984年6月28日6时所对应的天干地支是什么帮忙查哈天干地支看哈生命中缺什么 信仰伊斯兰教的人多讲?A 汉语 B 阿拉伯语 C 英语 D 西班牙语 我想自学英语 各位给点建议现在已经在上班了,想在业余时间自学英语,目前我对英语一点都不懂,我该从哪里开始,或该买些什么辅助工具,总觉得自己不学点什么东西就不知道该怎么去打发时 我想自学英语,你们有没有好的意见 英文林肯幽默故事 人体的躯干从腹面了分为( )和( ) 人体躯干指哪里? sell things是什么意思 躯干在人体中的作用 为什么由n个氨基酸组成的m条肽链有(n-m)个肽键? 我们说(N2)N≡N 键能大稳定,而C≡C没有C-C稳定. Help me solve the questionWhat ____you_____(do)tomorrow? Nothing much buy things 的中文的意思 Who can help me solve the question?Directions for questions Read each sentence carefully.Write the correct phrasal verb in the blank (remember to use the correct tense).1.I have ____ of sugar so you can't have any in your coffee.2.Making up is better things to 是let's buy thing还是let's buy things Can you buy things easily?和Can you easily buy things?哪个对 意大利语的第几怎么说?比如第一是Primo,第二是Secondo,以此类推……请把1-100的都写出来, 意大利语为什么是我 怎么说? i am ok.do you know 是什么意思啊 英语翻译Stephen Hawking was born in Oxford,England on 8th January,1942.He went to school in St Albans--a small city near London.Although he did well,he was never top of his class.After leaving school,Hawking went first to Oxford University where 英语翻译这个英文名字怎么念哦? CAMBRIDGE中文怎么译 traditional she also food likes chinese 请问在美国工作怎样才能拿到绿卡? 夫妻到美国旅游,在美国生了个孩子,父母可以得到绿卡吗? It seems that you English well,Ha ha John as well as Tom______a lot about treesA.know B.knows C.knowing D.known Tom knoes a lot about Computer.对a loy 提问_____ ___ ____ Tom ____ about Computer? 如何自学英语,应从哪里下手