
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 22:12:06
英文译成中文(八118)第一:They like to learn how something works.第二:They learn fast when they're shown how something is done rather than just told.(另外在这里 like,shown,how ,something,rather,如何译?)请指教! 英文译成中文(报16)Sandy worked as a school counselor and she wanted to help people.One day she noticed a girl standing by herself on one side of a playing field while the rest of the kids enjoyed a game of soccer at the other.sandy asked i 已知函数y= f(x)的图像经过定点(0,1),那么y=f-1(x+1)-2的图像必经过定点------?f-1是反函数的标志. 如图,AB=CD BF⊥AC于点F,DE⊥AC于点E AE=CF 求证:BF=DC 英文译成中文(报6)A young boy went on a train trip,A man sat across from him.There was a small box on his seat.The man looked strange,so the boy didn't want to talk to him.The man took out two napkins,a knife and an apple from the box.He pe 英文译成中文6第一:you are very brave when you face any difficulty.You don't like making friends very quickly,but once you do,it is for life.You are also agood leader.第二:He can't understand our science teacher,Miss ma.劳驾! 英文译成中文 (报38)Season:The competition has always been in the summer months,except the seasonal competitions such as Interneiges ( Intervilles in the snow ) and Interglaces ( Intervilles on ice ).【A Popular Tv show-Intervilles 】 写出几个带有”月“字的成语最好是常见的 英语翻译12.就餐A.Would you like something to eat/drink?What would you like(to have)?Would you like some more fish?Help yourself to some fish.B.(1)Yes,I'd like a drink.I'd like rice and chicken.Just a little,please.Can I have some more soup?It's 谁有数学软件几何画板的视频教程能发给我吗? 如何在PPT2003中插入几何画板文件的视频教程 对数函数中括号里的加减怎么计算?举例.还有反函数是什么请详细解释下. 一点填空题而已~数学大虾们帮帮忙啊!悬赏不是问题~拜托啦1、从一点引出( ),就组成一个角.2、在钟面上,6点钟的时侯,分针和时针所夹的角是( )度.3、一个圆形花坛,它的直 11χ+1=5(2χ+1) 怎么写啊 骆驼祥子好词 数学竞赛是不是要有高智商?呵呵, )规律找规律添数! -1/2,1/2,-3/8,1/4,-5/32,()找规律填空, 1/32÷(-1/8+5/4-3/2+1/6) 找规律 1/2,1/2,3/8,( ),5/32,( ) 学校举行科技作品大赛,共收到科技作品120件.(1)一等奖占获奖作品总数的1/6获奖作品件数是多少?二等奖占获奖作品总数的1/3获奖作品件数是多少?三等奖占获奖作品总数的1/2获奖作品件数 3/16×(1/2+1/3÷□)=11/32,那么□=( ) 定积分一题 数学成语英翻汉in twos and threesagain and again to the nearest whole numberall around / far and nearat sixes and sevens be perfect in everyway一行一句 怎样才能养成热爱思考的好习惯呢热爱思考的好习惯如何才能养成呢? 一道定积分习题!∫x^5e^(-5)dx=?积分上限 正无穷,积分下限0鎶勯敊浜�鏄�e^(-x) 下列实验能获得成功的是下列实验:①甲烷气体通入空气中点燃获得热量 ②甲烷气体通入氯水中制取一氯甲烷③甲烷通入高锰酸钾性溶液,可使紫色褪去④甲烷通入浓硝酸中分解得到碳单质和 怎样培养良好的思维习惯? 在卢纶的塞下曲中,提到了“月黑雁飞高,单于夜遁逃. 欲将轻骑逐,大雪满弓刀”,可下雪天哪来的大雁哪? 唱歌里面的f3 G3 IF=($F3="",$E3*G3*$D3/1.17,$F3*G3*$D3/1.17)是代表什么意思? 电子表格计算个人所得税