
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 05:10:06
She should be much stronger than now.这句话错了没? 概率论题 第一问怎么证明~ 韦达定理是什么啊,怎么用啊如题,说具体一点. 韦达定理怎么用? 韦达定理是什么呢?怎么用? a|+|b|=0,求a,b的值快 马克思韦伯的《新教伦理与资本主义精神》怎么样? 俩个圆柱体高的比是2:5,底面直径比是5:3,他们的体积比是多少? 带分数计算题12又4分之3除以1又5分之1加5.25乘以5分子6 请大家给我讲明白12又4分之3除以1又5分之1怎么做的 怎么做带分数加法、带分数减小数.讲明白些 求韦伯的新教伦理与资本主义精神, 一个圆锥体和一个圆柱体底面直径相等,体积的比是4:5,高的比是() 英语翻译The following summarizes the key findings of a national survey conducted by the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy in May 2005.Note that the price of oil and gasoline have both risen since the date of the survey. 英语翻译 求英格玛Following the sun 的歌词翻译急,先回答先得分 沙地里种什么能增加土壤肥力?埋落叶可以吗 红树林能否增加土壤肥力 沙尘暴降尘怎样增加土壤肥力?华北地区 四道数分题,求指教 第3,5,6.. 已知函数f(x)=cos2x-(cosx-1)cosx求f(x)最小值 can you tell me some information about customs and traditionsWhen people choose to go and live in a new country they should give up all their old customs and traditions and adopt those of the new country DO you agree or disagree with this statement?I 使用示波器测试的意义我是菜鸟,初次接触示波器,请问用示波器测试产品的意义是什么?它可以测试哪些产品的哪些性能?还有它如何使用呢? vpp在英语中是什么意思 为什么峰峰值比平均值要低很多,我平均值为5V左右的方波信号,现在用示波器测得VPP为5.2V,平均值是22.6V,用什么电路可以做到平均是5V 数分题, 求助两个概率论与数理统计的题1.已知A 真包含 B,P(A)=0.1,P(B)=0.5,则P(AB)= __,P(A+B)= __,___,P(A|B)= ___,___.2.设ξ与η相互独立,N(0,1),N(1,2),令ζ=ξ+2η,则Eζ=___,Dζ=___,ξ与ζ相关 5.Daniel is looking for some information about Shanghai on the Internet.(同义句) Daniel is ____5.Daniel is looking for some information about Shanghai on the Internet.(同义句) Daniel is _______ _______ _______ _______ some information look for some information on the internet=_____ the internet ______ some information 方阵AB的逆等于A逆乘B逆吗 Simon was looking for some information on the Internet while Daniel _______ with Millie. A.is talking B.was talking C.talk D.talked I aIway look for some useful information on the lnternet.同义句 条件概率里为什么当0