
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/29 04:24:46
There—— —— —— —— a —— —— in the school in May.学校的运动会将要在五月举行. bear in mind that:Your own resolution to succeed is morAlways bear in mind that:Your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing. Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than any one thing. Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than anything else.是啥意是啥意思 Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important then any one thing(可以替我翻译一下么?谢谢) 货车和客车同时从AB相向而行.客车每小时行50千米,货车每小时行45千米,经过4小时两车相遇.AB两地相距?(2)货车行了全场的几分之几 Summary的开场曲《summary》 求歌词.要summary的歌词 最好平假名.那段rap的也要 ()the bad news spreads around __ village quickly.a.the whole b.whole c.the all 求15篇英文新闻的summary!每篇10句话以内越快有我分追加越多或者有英文新闻概要的网址也行啊 the news about jeff's success quickly _____ around the school The happy news quickly __through the whole village.A.wasspread.C.sThe happy news quickly __through the whole village.A.wasspread.C.spread.为什么不可以选A而选C the news s____ in our village quickly and everyone is happy about it. The news spread quickly through the village _____ the war had ended,______ made villagers wild with joy.A.which; that \x05B.that; what\x05 C.that; which\x05 D.what 为什么选C 用“望”分别组六个词 a 开头的单词没时间查字典,只要十个. a开头的单词有哪些 有四个动词的四字词语有四个动词的四字词语要五个 含有两个动词的四字词语,例:驻足观看. 比如说我刚在去跑步了,说“i was running just now,"还是“i ran just now”.像动词的那些形容词都怎么用,比如embarrasse ,那我要表示尴尬的时候用embarrassed还是embarrassing?还有英语骂人怎么说,比方说: 一矿井深为125m,在井口每隔相同的时间间隔落下一个小球,当第11个小球刚刚从井口开始下落时,第1个小球恰好到达井底,问:(1)第一个小球刚落到地面的速度?(2)相邻两个小球开始下了哟的时 在四边形ABCD中,角ABC=角ADC=90度,M是AC的中点,MN垂直于BD于N求证直线MN平分BD急希望今晚就有答案THANKS! 有测多少瓦的电器吗 设a>0,数列{an}满足:a0>0,a(n+1)=1/2(an+a/an),n=1,2,3.,求n趋于∞时lim an 设1+(1+x)+(1+x)^2+……+(1+x)^n=a0+a1*x+a2*x2+……an*xn,lim[(na1)/a2]=()?设1+(1+x)+(1+x)^2+……+(1+x)^n=a0+(a1)*x+(a2)*(x^2)+……(an)*(x^n) 数列{an}通项=1/(2n-1)(2n+1)则Sn=?如题 已知递推公式(2n+1)an+1=(3n+1)an,求an的通项公式.谢谢啦,数学大神额,不好意思,等式左边是an+1,n+1是脚标 come into use的use是名词词性对吗 quite 后面为什么加的是形容词?因为它是副词么?跟quite用法、意思差不多的还有那些? a quite busy man / quite a busy man这两个有什么区别吗,这俩答案都有,可是说选后一个.王八的臀部 怎么理解 老兄 summary judgment是什么意思 detailed summary是什么意思 A man walked into a restaurant that advertised having the longest menu in the world.The manager was very proud of being able to provide any dish,no matter how unusual.At the bottom of the menu,there was a notice that said,“If you do not see the dis