
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 04:28:05
六年级下册英语书64页的习题答案是什么 分析改错题1.Who is bigger,yours or mine?2.They younger than me.3.Are they look the same 4.She has no rubbers and rulers.5.Jim are play football good.6.Does Jim as tall as Sam?7.Lucy's is as heavy as our.题目均有错,麻烦各位改正错误 六年级下册英语课文 一.连词成句1.sister,taller,me,your,is,than(.)2.can,the Bank of China,get,how,I,to(?)3.is,time,to,bed,it,to,go(.)4.am,I,tall,as,you,as(.)二.按要求写句子.1.Open the window,please.(改为否定句)_____________open the window,please.2.These my first is in south but not in north,my second is in picture but not in film.my third is in fourth and also in worth.my fourth is in book and also in cook.my fifth is in toe but not in sew.my sixth is in life but not in death.what am ______________ We shouldn't make a mess (肯定句)Let's not go home (肯定句)Don't keep our classroom clean (肯定句)改成肯定句……忘记怎么改了,- - The exhibition is about _________(explore)England.Russia is ______ China.A in the north of B the north of C on the north ofD to the north of 英语翻译1、你认识正在努力把箱子抬出汽车的那一男一女吗?2、大学是一个你能学到各种各样的知识的地方.3、那栋我们过去常常玩捉迷藏的房子已经被拆毁了.4、你还记得我们去年在西湖边 尽力 the best runner 讲故事 Dragon Team第3名 do the long jump在陆地上 run fast加油 87km per minute(87公里什么米?)颁奖(回答的要按顺序)是这样:中文:尽力 讲故事 第3名 在陆地上加油 颁奖 英文:the best runner 1.根据句意和首个字母拼写合适的单词.In the park,you can take a ___You can't ___ this wallIn winter,three ___ of snow can fall in one day at the top of Mount Qomolangma2.在空格填上适当的单词An elephant has a longer nose than a 1补充句子,使下句的意思和上句的意思基本一致The dimsum is very delicious.The( )is( ) ( ).We are very happy in liuhua park.We( )much( )in liuhua park.2补充句子所缺的单词,使上下句的意思基本一致This is Mary.This is( 一些小学六年级的英语题目.急!今天之内必须完成,不然就没用了!改错,改一个Last weekend,Mum taked me to see my grandparents.Mary is tallest in our class.This apple is biggest than that one.My grandpa is the funnyest old man. We are also going to go to Beijing.(同义句)①_________②________(就是两种同义句)He is a lovely boy.(改为感叹句,两种)①_____②______英汉互译走开:_______ 61.\x05I________________(sweep) the floor now .62.\x05You can take bus_______________ 5.(number)63.\x05Mr Ma___________ (watch) a film with my friends on Wednesdays.64.\x05Don’t worry ,I’ll look after___________ ( she) baby.65.\x05GaoShan can____ 如图第14题 第10题求解 高中数学 可以回复图 如图,高中数学函数题,谢谢 图中第五题 我算出来是正负3为什么答案说是负3 高中数学,函数,题目如图,第15题. 函数,第13题. 图中所圈第13题 高中数学,图中方法一后面的区间怎么得来的 高中数学,请用图像方法解决此题 图中14题 高中数学 高手指点 图中红圈第19题,求问 图中红圈第16题,^) 如图 导数的,详见图 (如图)高中数学,导数问题求解 知道一个函数图像,怎么画出它的导数图像呢?例如,(1,4)单调递减,(4,10)单调递增.当x属于(3,5)时,y小于0,其余大于0.请问倒数图像怎么画呢? 第二题. 图中题目的第三问.只要第三问!要详细的过程〜谢谢〜