
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 15:33:56
lay foundation这为以后的发展打下了基础.翻译成英语:It lays foundation to later development.如果不对应该是什么? 英语填空:because________.Spring is green ,because________.Summer is bright,because________.Fall is gold ,because________.Winter is white ,because________. 用so,because填空 英语1.This house is very old [ ] we need to paint it2.Jonathan wants to buy a new toy [ ] he is saving money3.Cindy likes small animals [ ] she is kind 张翰和郑爽到底什么关系有人说他们私下交往,有人说郑爽不适合张翰.我想知道准确的答案. Focus on the World Cup! This district is becoming the(center)of Guangzhou.为什么不写centre? 请问:sufer 后面什么时候加 from sufer生成的GRD怎么导入mapgis中去? subway sufer中roll 40times in a single after和latershe drove car. ( )she came.填什么?这是一个完整的句子.应该later吧,after的话又不是状语 求close的各种时态 意思和用法 谁能给我详细的解释一下及物动词和不及物动词的意义,用法,作用等方面~【越详细越好, 求问sqlesc()函数的意义用法,越详细越好, We stayed at a very nice hotel.But I can not remember_____name of it. QC主管怎么翻译 请问QA和QC的正确翻译 我要做速冻库谁知道? 求一首后街男孩的歌,开头是 baby,I know the story 求帮助 大弦嘈嘈如急雨 赏析上述诗句的艺术手法 大弦嘈嘈如急雨 这些描写音乐的对不起哦 其实是 《琵琶行》 的第2段 一个解析式怎么算它与x轴是否有交点,与y轴有交点,与原点有交点如题 do me a 给我依靠?在美剧中 翻译为 为我开了后门? Johnson hoped it would be he who would be called upon为什么这里用主语he啊 do me a favol 还等于什么 魂不咐体的近义词 魂不咐体的近义词是什么 I will love foreverymore time是啥意思?如题 After all,passing什么意思 成语湖光水色是什么意思 after .( had been lying )on the table all the time.after searching for half an hour ,she realized that her glasses ( had been lying )on the table all the time.lying ,lied,lain的区别是什么 after all与on earth有没有区别?(唉,应试教育太较真了是吧是吧.) 辨析obstruction obstructiveness obstacle barrier balk(bault) impediment hindrance handicap holdback都是“阻碍”名词,求单词辨析,不要复制词典,用中文最简单地概括,令外询问这些里面是否有英文老到掉牙的单词,