
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:09:16
when()your uncle() ?A did,mary B will,marry C did,got married D will get marry 求指点. what have you been up toup和to在句中是什么成分?什么词性? 单选 when ___your brother ____to his wife?A didi get married b was marry C was get marry The young lady coming over to us _____ our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that!a.would be b.must be c.could be d.can be What have you been doing lately?究竟是"你最近好吗?"的意思还是"你最近在干嘛"的意思呢?那么回答应该是怎样的?我也觉得应该是"最近在干嘛",可是书上写的是"最近好吗?" 好奇怪~ to my s____,the young lady is our new music teacher What have you been up too lately? what have you been doing lately?请帮忙分析下这问句中的been和doing做什么成分 the lady in the sitting room ()be over sixty,she looks so youngAcan'tBmustn'tCmustDmay 为什么在南北回归线以外没有太阳直射现象? 英文句子解析:I'm sorry,simba.I just can't tell you.在看狮子王第一部中我看见了这样一句话:I'm sorry,simba.I just can't tell you.译文:对不起,辛巴.我不能告诉你.请问:句中的"JUST" 起到了什么作用? What have you been up to lately?和 what are you up to lately?有什么区别就是时态上面不同么?怎么理解并区分开来? 为什么一年中太阳会直射南北回归线各一次,其间地区各两次? She was at a point in her life ( ) her work didn`t really excite her anymoreA.which B.that C.what D.where Mary I ( ) Wang Lin?Sorry You have the wyong number A tell to B speak to C say to D ask sorry i hurt you.But i tell you i disable have you 向日葵为什么向着太阳转 blue+red+yellow= late 可以和哪些介词搭配 It,s late 添介词 night 请问Iam late ________schoo(介词填空) she was absorbed in her job that she didn't hear anybody knocking at the door.谁能帮我分析一下句子成份,这句话是并列句还是从句? 如何快速用英语交流 “交流”用英语咋说? 它的传递很快 英语怎么说 盲孩子和他的影子词语意思 盲孩子和他的影子叠词有叠词的句子. 盲孩子和他的影子中的叠词有什么好处 英语翻译However,not all these re-evaluations have resulted in the expected therapeutic benefits and unpredicted adverse reactions have resulted.最后的have resulted什么意思啊,乱了 I would rather you __ talking.A.stop B.stopped C.to stop D.must stopwould rather一定要虚拟? 解析句子:I would rather not tell you. I would rather you didn’t smoke.此句中主句的谓语动词是什么?所含的是什么从句?此句主句中没有谓语动词.所含的若是宾语从句,又不符合宾语从句的三种条件.Thank you.