
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 23:03:24
现在完成时练习题选用have,has填空I______told him the news.she_______come back from school.You _______won the game按要求改写下列各句they have bought a computer.改成否定句He has lost his book.现改成一般疑问句,再做肯 现在完成时练习题 一、单项选择 1.Li Hong has ________ the army for 2 years.A.joined B.be in C.been in D.joined in 2.We have been friends since ______.A.children B.five years C.five years ago D.five years before 3.Mike ___________ the sto 0.25x(4+0.4)+9怎么简算? 已知函数f(x)=(x^2+c)/(ax+b)为奇函数,f(1) 已知函数f(x)=(ax-1)/(x+b),如果不等式f(x)>0的解集是(1,3)已知函数f(x)=(ax-1)/(x+b),如果不等式f(x)>0的解集是1老师抄的题。我也不是很清楚。 现在完成时练习题1.用have(has)been或 gone填空.A:Where _____Li Fei______?B:He_______to Hainan Island.A:How long ______he ______there?B:He ______there for three days?A:When will he come back,do you know?B:I'm afraid he won't come back 现在完成时 练习题 求高手完成下面关于现在完成时的练习1 I have_____met him before, so I have no idea about him.2 Jack has______ finished his homework.3 Mr. Wang has_____tanght in this school for many years 4 "Have you______seen the film?" x^2+(a-6)+9-3a=0和x^2-(a^2+a)x+a^3=0怎么解? a是什么实数时,方程1-3a-x/3=0的解在0与6之间(不含0和6) love song 中文歌词就是那种像:“嘿努你K不呆弄奈 嘿努你米搜呆弄奈 嘿努你沟你巧楼没流哇 不里叶撒拉球不K”这种的,可以根据这唱出来的. love songs on the radio 中文歌词she looks just like an angel when she walks across the room she shines tonight her golden light is everything i need lovers all around her she wears them like her jewels my friend said she's all he needs to feel al Love Songs on the Radio中文歌词[00:35.93]It's christmas again so we lit all the candles[00:46.72]And we tried to pretend that your room was a palace[00:58.48]But we can't seem to shake off the fear[01:03.76]That nothing is different, that no-one 求 the I love you song 的全部歌词. set fire to the love song 歌词 1.是否存在这样的整数a使方程组 3x+4y=a① 4x+3y=5② 的解是非负数?如果存在,求他1.是否存在这样的整数a使方程组3x+4y=a①4x+3y=5②的解是非负数?如果存在,求他的解,如不存在,说理由.为了迎接世 是否存在这样的整数a,使方程组3x+4y=a,4x+3y=5的解是一对非负数?若存在,求出它的解,若不存在,请说明理由 a是方程x2-2008x+1=0的一个根 ,则a2-2008a+2008a/a2+1的值 已知a,b是一元二次方程x2-2008x+2009=0两个实数根,则(a2-2009a+2010)(b2-2009b+2010)的值是多少? 求红楼梦人物关系图谱最好是树枝型的. 红楼梦人物关系图 清清楚楚的今天会答、好处多、 简单的红楼梦人物关系图 是否存在这样的整数a,使方程组3x+4y=a,4x+3y=5的解是一对非负数?如果存在,求出它的解, 是否存在这样的整数a,使方程组 3x+4y=a 4x+3y=5 的解释一对非负数?并求出它的解 需要 (1)是否存在这样的整数a,使方程组[3x+4y=a,4x+3y=5]的解是一对非负数?如果存在,求出它的解;若不存在,请...(1)是否存在这样的整数a,使方程组[3x+4y=a,4x+3y=5]的解是一对非负数?如果存在,求出它的解; 1. 四分之一-九分之一x²2. x四次方-25x²y² 先化简再求值 二分之一(2x²-6x-4)-4(-1+x+0.25x²)其中x=59点之前要哦 不定几分的一道题,希望有解答, 今天英语卷子上有一道题,It ( ) hot in summer.A.was B.were C.is选哪个? 对不起啊,又麻烦你了,又有一道题,希望你能帮我解决已知4a∧2+b∧2+4a=2b-2,求<(3a-b)(3a+b)-a(a-4b)+b∧2)>÷(-4a) 绝对值P小于2,不等式px+1 一道关于所得税的题,希望会的给点解答方法!今天晚上需要,Peter is a married man and was born on 26 September 1968.He gave up his job as a glazier on 6 May 2003 and started up his won business two days later.During 2003/4 income f