
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 17:34:39
三角形AOB的顶点O在原点,点A在第一象限,点B在x轴的正半轴上,且AB=6,角AOB=60°反比例函数y=x\y的图象经过点A,将三角形AOB绕O顺时针旋转120°,顶点B恰好落在y=x\k的图象上的点B'处,求k的值. “my ideal job”的英语口语对话,我理想的工作是歌手, we. like. healthy. exercise为题的英语作文,80个单词左右 the party is very interesting .we have_______at the party.如题空格上填什么? are the students going to work in the garden tomorrow?(改为肯定句) WELCOME TO HAWAI AND ENJOY YOUR HOLODAY 怎么翻译 "Welcome to Worldlingo!- Your solution for Email Translation incentive怎么用 什么是Incentive “有英语课”用英语说是应该用“have English”还是用“have English cl“有英语课”用英语说是应该用“have English”还是用“have English class” incentive fulfilment是什么意思啊……如题 谢谢大家 My password is:your The password to your account is He can sing than you.A、best B、good C、well D、better 理由, But one day she thought that she could also sing _____ . A.good B.better C.best D.well这里,我总是弄不懂,当这谢词放在句尾,应怎么用.能全部解释一下吗,告诉我一些技巧.谢了、 You Cheat Me It is fascinating to continue becaue of you... IT IS OKAY TO CHEAT ON AN EXAM想要关与这个主题的DEBATE,一方是赞同,另一方是反对. 改错,指出下列句子中的错误并改正 1.Can’t eat in the classroom.→ →A B C22.Are at home by 10:00 on Sunday nights.→ →A B C23.Don’t watch TV at school nights.→ →A B C24.Clean your room everyweek.→ →A B C25.You can’t ha How will Is it my faultOr you do not want Continue是什么意思 person who is in charge of a help person in charge是"负责人"还是"法人代表"还是其它意思 A person who is good at swimming is called___. SQL语句 如果A=1 B=2 C=3 那么D等于5标题党,检查如果A字段=1 B字段=2 C字段=3 那么D字段等于5这个语句怎么写? Even if is not 请问这句英文什么意思. it is not new to Maybe it is not suit me...我分手的前女友写的 100 percent faster/ up to 50 percent Yes,like all Data Domain systems,on the DD670,DD Boost distributes parts of the deduplication process to the backup server and offers up to 100 percent faster performance?DD Boost software is an industry first,dis gum classes fell from 42 percent to 29 percent during the 90s.翻译为中文, 读书之于精神,恰如运动之于身体. 改错:请指出下列句子的错误并加以改正:5.什么地方什么条件下可以种植什么样的药三、改错:请指出下列句子的错误并加以改正5.什么地方什么条件下可以种植什么样的药材?老农了如指 3,5题怎么改错?每句一个错误.