
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 01:18:06
陈独秀和李大钊掀起了什么运动 陈独秀 李大钊谁的贡献大作为反对封建传统的先锋者陈独秀,不幸在身上也烙印着旧遗风影响.他在总书记任上以家长自居,视其他同志为小辈,遇不同意见动辄拍桌子、砸茶碗.由于长期居于上 the girl is very quiet,she can not{ }much【填一个英文单词】 新概念1老师教 英语句子This is a girl who is late yesyerday is she?错 为什么错 This girl is not tall,she is后面填什么 英语演讲稿:Never Give Up80词左右 请问 I have some milk.Would you like _____ 这空格处应该填什么?any 还是some?some 用于肯定句,any 用于否定句和疑问句但为什么口语中好象用would you like some 多点呢? 英语翻译 因为喜欢你.英文怎么说 李大钊与陈独秀在历史上谁的贡献大? 8.12 The girl cried because she __ the elevator. A.has trapped in B.had trapped byThe girl cried because she __ the elevator.A.has trapped in B.had trapped byC.was tr why do you like mary because she is【 】honest girl是用a,an,还是the I () want to play basketball I want to play basketball.的回答是?too Would you like ____,please?A.some apple B.many milk C.some tea what e_______ would you like some milk,please? 两分的五分的硬币共十枚合计四角四分两分地有多少枚五分地有多少枚 here( )some bread and milk,中间填什么,为什么,如果把开头的“here"换为"there",那么又添什么,最好能讲一下there的就近原则.(注:我练习册的答案是“are”,但我认为不是这样. 两分和五分硬币共12个,合计4角五分,两分硬币比五分硬币少多少枚? A:let us play_____,ok.B:sorry,I don't have a volleyball._____I have a basketball.A:I_____wantA:I_____want to play basketball.I only want to play volleyball.B:who____a volleyball?Do you know?A:maybe tom has one.let's go and ask him.A和B:hi,Tom!__ 英语翻译嘻嘻when i looked at her at said bad girl she looked down at then ground and then went and hid.半个小时内给我答复 She told me to drink some water and lie down 还是lay down 请问"She sat down next to a girl her own age and they soon started talking."有没有语法错误?各种答案都欢迎.谢谢! 在《格列佛游记》中,“我”在慧骃国经历了哪些事情?请把每件事情一一概括出来,像列大纲一样. she is a real water girl and likes being in the pool.翻译 《格列佛游记》慧骃国概述,200字左右 《格列佛游记》慧骃国概述,200字左右,只要慧骃国的 把人和鬼都送到对岸,任何一边鬼都不能比人多,否则鬼会吃人的哦!鬼和人各有3个 有三只鬼三个人要坐船过到对岸,一次只能过两个,但是只有一个人的时候那个人就会被吃了, There is ______milk in the bottle.We need to buy some.A.few B.less C.little D.much第一时间争取解决, There is l ____ milk in the glass. Buy some more, please! when i look in your eyes 是哪首歌的歌词?