
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 21:01:23
父亲今年38岁,儿子今年12岁,几年后父亲的年龄正好是儿子的2倍? 有什么 寓意有什么 寓意 寓意到底是什么呀 如题、中国哈密瓜交易网怎么样? 中国哈密瓜交易网有什么优势 I want to buy some flowers for__(I)on my birthday die,die out,die of,die from,death,dead,deadly不同 英语题作业请教:My parents want______ a computer for my birthday.填出后并解释为什么这么填.非常感谢!参考:A.buy B.to buy C.buying (初一七年级上学期新版英语八单元程度.)再次最后一声衷心感谢! 死于starvation 是用die of还是 die from用什么?为什么?谢谢 八年级上册英语第六单元短语急 新书 2013版 人教版 My parents take me( )a store and buy a green skirt for me.一道填空题 my parents take me_____a store and buy a green shirt _____me横线里面填什么? 八年级英语选择---You have ever worked with flashcards,haven’t you? --- A.Yes,but I don’t like them B.No,I don’t C.Yes,the teacher is helpful D.No,I have 八年级英语卷选择 选择 八年级英语选择,谢谢各位高手了The accidents happened ____ the same date.A.in B.at C.for D.onHe was about to go to bed ____ the door bell rang.A.while B.as C.before D.whenHe went out to play ____ he had finished his homework.A.w 英语翻译1 我要去电影院看“青蜂侠” 青蜂侠:(The Green Hornet)看应该是用 see I will go to see The Green Hornet in (the) cinema这样翻译可以吧,the 需要不?watch 多用在 TV,比赛节目等,see 多用在看电影啊 安塞腰鼓的舞姿和鼓声中透出了陕北人的 和 ,它是一曲陕北人 的火烈颂歌,是一首黄土高原 内蕴的诗性礼赞填四字或二字的词语或成语 安塞腰鼓为什么只能在陕北 English.选择,希望解释39小题 3a²b·2abc·⅓abc² 整式的乘除 进来看图~ He helped____ (take) care of my dog while I was away.(适当形式填空)改错(1处错误)1.He has writtren many books,tow of them are widely read.2.Is there any place for me in the car?3.He was wounded with a stone. I find it ____ (frustrate)that I can't speak English wellI can't understand ________(speak) English 为什么! (1)If什么时候意思表示“是否”?(2)L didn’t know.Where will he go = L didn’t know Where he would go .为什么用would?(3)Here is _____ order ,All of you must obey it.(4) We watch the opening ceremong pf the World Expo on TV 双击可看图片 What we read usually _____ our thinking.A.believes B.regards C.influences D.memorizes 八年级英语前三选择说明理由 选择求检验 用一段英文介绍一个苹果 化简并求值3a+abc-1/3c^2-3a+1/3c^2,其中a=-1/6,b=2, 哈密瓜的英文名称是什么 若△ABC的三边满足a的平方-2bc=c的平方-2ab,则△ABC是什么三角形