
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 12:40:34
几道英语单句改错.将下面的句子中的一处错误找出.改正.就是单句改错了.1.Class One won Class Two in the first half ,with the score of 2:0.2.The Olympic Games was first held in 776 BC.3.He is weighed 80 kilos.4.-How soon will 英语2. 这个字│念什麽 “SKI 流量计在中国市场推广协议”翻译成英文怎么说? 求一篇反思!老师让我们写针对期末考试出现的问题反思总结(数学的)! 求反思一篇期末考得有些砸,关联词一题没读题,叫用假设关系,用成了条件关系,老师叫写600字反思这次考了97.5分,本可以考99分的. 求一篇深刻的检讨 具体如下:上自习课讲话被老师抓 还面壁思过 老师叫写一篇深刻检讨 : 从上课方面 听课方面 自己的感受(就是那个面壁得到反思) 大概就这样 , 400字吧 不 单句改错:谢啦)1.We have not classes today.2.I want learning to speak English well. 句子改错,求答案 单句改错求答案. 英语翻译• During a long vacation,I usually like to go to see the exhibits in one of a great many museums.Such as the art museum,the history museum,the museum of natural history,and the museum of science and technology.Many wonderful things 战败后的日本和德国为啥比中国强大?他们战败后和当时的中国没有什么区别啊,甚至比中国要弱,我们已经站在了同一起跑线上,为什么短短几十年之后,却是这般光景? 肉丝炒豆腐怎么做呢 如图,ABCD是面积为5cm平方的正方形,CEFG是面积为3的正方形,求阴影部分面积(保留π) 英语翻译以对流换热为主要方式的供热,成为对流供暖.系统中的散热设备是散热器,因此这种的系统也成为散热器供暖系统,它是以对流方式向室内供暖.辐射供暖是以辐射传热为主的一种供暖 英语翻译Dear Miss China...Princess from far away that lives in big city .the magmatic and mysterious and one and only Xiuying!Humm?I wonder how the sweetheart is doing today?And I wonder what her lucky star has to say?...:)I hope you are fine and 英语翻译Dear Xiuying,Monday night.December 27,8:00 my time,10:00 your time.I just call you and I am very happy to hear your voice.I think you are very shy but you need not be.It is just me on the telephone and I don't speak Chinese Language so we 英语翻译 如图,正方形边长是8cm,AB长9cm,那么CD长是 英语翻译科技水平不断提高使得铺装材料种类不断丰富,出现了新的生态环保型铺装材料.生态透水性铺装包括透水性沥青铺装、透水性混凝土铺装及透水性地砖等.我国传统的用于园林铺装的 如图,在△ABC中,AD,AE分别是BC边上的高和中线,AB=9cm,AC=7cm,BC=8cm,求DE的长.图在这里: 一个图形如图,求周长.长10cm,宽8cm Sludge是什么风格,其中文解释或者对应的词汇是什么? 怎样炒豆腐干 low sludge formation 和 high sludge formation 有没有第二个地球? 英语翻译enforcement of agreement with home county agent The Singapore government is unable to enforce any of youer agreement with your home country's employment agency.For example,If your employment is prematurely terminated ,the Singapore govern 英语翻译work is not guaranteed regardless of the validity period of your work permit your employment and cancel your work permit at any time without compensation unless your contract says otherwise,If your employer terminates your employment,you 伊斯兰教创始人说的名言;两个面包,用一个换一盆水仙花为材料的作文 谢谢 继续这些翻译obtaining your work permit this letter gives you permission to enter into Singapore to work ,you must ensure your employer applies for your work permit issuancewithin14days upon your arrival in Singapore ,if your employer f 已知:如图矩形ABCD中,AB=4,BC=7,点P是AD边上一个动点,PE丄PC,PE交AB于点E,对应点E也随之在AB上运动,连接EC当△PEC是等腰三角形时,求PD的长 英语翻译sylvan N.Goldman invented the shopping cart in 1937.At that time he was in the suppermarket business.Every day he would see shoppers lugging goods around in baskets they had to carry.One day Goldman suddenly had the idea of putting basket