
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 05:18:27
PU(或MV)是指什么?在一些情感问答里看到两个字母不知是什么意思,比如说某女PU高或是低,这里的PU是指什么?比如说某两人MV高或是低,这里的MV是指什么? 请求英语帮忙,做不来啊 Lost Mode中文意思 一定给分啊 英语几题 一、用动词的适当形式填空 1、▁▁(not worry)!I can help you.2、He ▁(look)young.3、▁▁(be)his hair black?4、He ▁▁often▁▁(not do)it.5、why not▁▁(play) football now 二、用适当的 英语翻译A企业的成功原因:以成功的Unique Selling point,加深产品的image,极大化了brand效果.以精确的repositioning有效地选定了&目标顾客群.根据不同地区(国家)顾客的需求制定了有针对性的&当 有没有自学英语的?怎么开始自学呢?想从初中开始看起 neva lose 英语翻译Some time ago,an amazing discovery was made by archaeologist in Changsha Hunan.An American team explored a grave which lies in the countryside of Changsha.The grave must have belonged to a rich family,for it enjoyed a high level of civili 英语翻译Lol!Just want to say that anon post insulting you is a direct copy of a popular joke post going around tumblr,so I guess jokes on them for not being very original with their insults.We love you Meli,the anon is jealous of your art and how I like watching TV at home(话线部分提问)at home I'd like watching TV at home. 中国大陆七大中心城市是? 一般违法行为与犯罪在本质上是相同的,这是因为( )A.都触犯了法律B.都具有社会危害性C.都应承担相应的法律责任D.二者在应受到的惩罚方面有着严格的界限 A fox is looking for food.He is very hungry .He looks up and sees a lot of fine grapes at the @接@ top of the wall ."How nice they are I want to eat them." The fox jumps and jumps,but the wall is too high .He can't get the grapes .So the fox goes aw a fox is looking for food.he is very hungry.now he is stopping and looking up.he sees a lot of fine grapes at the top of the wall."how nice they are!i want to eat them"the fox jumps and jumps,but the wall is too high.he can't get the grapes.the fox g David is watching TV at home 对划线部分提问 划线部分:watching TV he is watching tv at home because it is raining outside.(because开始都是划线部分)对划线部分提问 Mary is watching cartoons at home.(用who 提问) 中国哪些东部城市 中国东部哪个城市最大 铅的性质及危害铅的物理、化学性质,以及铅对人体的危害? 怎么罚蹲,有何危害,性质 天龙八部属性伤害假如我的减抗是200,对方抗是100,我多出100减抗能计算伤害么 中国西部地区是指那几个地方城市? 中国是东部比中西部发达,英国哪些城市或地区比那些城市或地区发达? 中国最东边的城市是哪个?最西边的城市,最南边的城市,最北边的城市 对什么东西狂热的英语短语有哪些 英语翻译有个女的在我空间留的 Thank you for all the love you always give to me. 这句话翻译成汉语是什么?Always thank you for you and love you do not give me that english i still love you thank you怎么翻译啊