
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:56:25
选什么?另外,题中has(have)和with区别.描述外貌! with has和 have got的区别和用法. 求问春秋战国时期,孔子在教育方面,孟子和韩非子在治国方面的哪些思想帆影了当时的社会变革 关于虚拟语气倒装的语法never having seen anything like this style of architecture before,we thought we were looking at giant sculpture,not buildings.这句的倒装的语法是什么? 用下列句子造句!(初二水平就行!) 1 have to do with 2 mek用下列句子造句!(初二水平就行!)1 have to do with2 meke promises3 have…in common4 write down5 for this reason6 take up 大家帮偶选个英文名吖~3Q~想改个英文名呢.偶觉得这几个还行.帮偶选选啊kikocarinalavida或者有米有什么好建议.可爱或者活泼一点 好记点的名字. ①the rule reguires that everyone [has] his bike new or old ,checked once a year.这里为什么要把[has]改成[have]?everyone 不应该是接第三人称单数吗?②Each of the job hunters ,making preparations for his or her interview,[hoping] t 英语改错问题.寻英语帝ing···英语小白问题多,请多多指教!1.It is encouraging to note that in recent years,the numberof cigarette smokers [have] been on the decline.请问这句括号里的词为什么错了,应该怎么改正确? I’d like to give my thanks to those __help my son will be able to survive terrible diease 为什么填with whose 如果说help是名词 那为什么后面还加了my son 英语翻译1 We are willing to(A) share whatever(B) we know,no matter how it might be little(C),with anyone who is in need of that(D) knowledge or skill.2 The reason why James Bond movies are(A) so popular is(B) because(C) they combine the appeal of The man in black is his uncle.(就画线部分提问) 画线部分为(The man in black) The man in black is my cousin.(画线部分提问)画线部分:The man in black 一道英语单选!纠结ing!If it ______ for the traffic jam,I ______ at the table,enjoying the wonderful meal now第一空我知道用had not been,第二空我填 would have sit(对现在的虚拟,后面“enjoying the wonderful meal”作伴随状 “One must work hard,------------?"A.needn't you B.needn't he 请写出答案和题解(此题为单选题,没有上下文, 求助一道英语阅读题答案(在线等ing)Do you have any phobias - those illogical fears of perfectly ordinary things Many people suffer from claustrophobia.They feel uneasy in closed space - elevators,for example.They feel a tightening in 沙发的网络意义是什么 网络上说的“沙发”是什么意思? a friend of Tom,还是 a friend of Tom's 或者两个都对? Love is in the air翻译成中文 air the quilt Thre is no air under the water,so they sometimes come up for 后面跟什么单词There the polluted air is very dangerous _______the people's health.A.for B.to C.over D.with选哪个?为什么? air the quilt 英文是晾被子吗? 在描述人的外貌时,have与with用法上有什么区别? be,with,have在描述人物外表的具体作用举几个例子吧!`我举的:He is tall with curly hair and he is medium build.with可以改成and has With与have的用法 英语中,描述一个人的外貌或形象,分别什么时候用with,have/has,wear? 怎样提高英语水平? 手被刀弄伤,应该怎样处理有助于回答者给出准确的答案 有没有切菜时候用的.防止手被刀切的东西? ——Would you like to go to the movies with us?——That _____ good.The TV show is boring.A.looks B.smells C.sounds D.feels 英语 The movie is so _____that it ____the girl out of the movie theatre.A.frighten; frightened B.frightening; frighten C.frighten; frightening D.frightening; frightensgirl后不是用ed吗?