
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 09:55:06
travel、tour、journey、trip有什么区别?(具体点儿) What was your favorite subject?Why did you like it? __a big smile on his faceA haveB has C with A big smile appeared on his face.这里的appeared什么意思? There was a pleasant smile on his face.请问,为什么药加不定冠词a,可不可以是这个样子呢There were pleasant smiles on his face.分不多,标一下心意而已哈! trip,travel,tour,journey的区别? Microsoft ,Dreamweaver英文怎么读?给个斜音,要准确的! 微软英文咋拼 We are going to have a picnic tomorrow.Don't forget to ____your camera.A lost B sell C take D send My love to chenxue happy birthday!My love to chenjing happy birthday!翻译过来 小明住在楼里为什么出门还要上楼? 一个会读不会写的英文名读起来叫刚呢er求英文单词拼写, The former love has never bone away Today is your birthday.Here is a gift [ ] you.A.to B.for 选哪个?为什么? my youth has gone away like a bird and never comes 最好翻译的是一首民族歌曲的名字,像dancing of youth,青春舞曲 六年级下册语文第7单元作文急 急 急 1.我遇到过《一个这样的老师》中讲的那样的故事.我科学的安排时间,对各方面进步都有帮助.我家实行科学养殖,仅仅俩年,生活就大变样了 when did you have dinner?的回答形式可以按自己的情况回答 如图所示,一质量为M、长为l的长方形木板B放在光滑的水平地面上,在其右端放一质量为m的小木块A,m<M.现以地面为参照系,给A和B以大小相等、方向相反的初速度(如图),使A开始向左运动、B开 就问一个问题:为什么方向向左?为什么“A吸引C,B排斥C”怎么判断电场叠加时合力方向? 1.与平行板电容器一极板相接的灵敏静电计,在电容器板间距或者其他因素改变后指针偏转角会改变.偏转角的大小和什么有关?2.质谱仪是怎么测定带点粒子质量和分析同位素的.简单的说就是 个多用电表内的电池已使用很久,但仍可通过调零电阻使表针调至零欧姆处,这时测量出的电阻值R′与所测电阻的真实值R相比较,正确的是( )A.R′=R B.R′>RC.R′ 水平放置的Ab两平行板相距h,上板A带正电,现有质量为m、带电量为+q的小球在B板小孔进入板间电场,欲使小球刚好打到A板,AB的电势差UAB=?动能定理:-mg(H+h)-qUAB=-mV0^2/2为什么是UAB而不是UBA,因为毕 排序( )John:Hi!Is today your birthday? ( ) John:How old are you? ( )John:Happy birthday!谢谢了,大( )Mary:Yes,it is. ( )Mary:I am fourteen. 为什么汽车的雾灯用黄色的,而不是红色的呢? 教我们语文的是一位岁数大的老教师(修改病句)修改符号 What are you doing here?It's for Tom.We agreed____here bur so far he has'tWe agreed____here bur so far he has't turned up yet.A.having met B.meeting C .to meet D.to have met --Tom,what are you doing?--I am ( )a cake.( )里填什么? what are you___(do,doing)?i'm____(looking for,looking)tom 求详解 It is going dark.We _____ go home.A.It is going dark.We _____ go home.A.may B.maybe C.may be D.dosen’t we ( )go home .It's going to rain.A.would rather B.Had rather C.Would better D.had better We wanted to get home before dark,but it didn’t quite ____ as planned.(2004浙江)A.make out B.turn out C.go on D.come up 为什么选B? smile on my face的smile是动词吗RT