
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 21:01:49
鲁迅的《风筝》二十字以内的概括 天才出于勤奋 是谁说的 天才出于勤奋是谁说的 观沧海中的"若"字用的哪里好? 观沧海赏析若字 We is pay for the computer by pay instalment of 50 a month.这句话的WE后面为什么跟的是IS?就是有这个句子,有道桌面词典里的例句有这句,百度一下也能找到这句,就是不知道为什么WE后面怎么跟的IS? 英语翻译 书信的末尾Yours faithfully,Hearty表示什么意思? 以things we need for a picnic写一篇作文,知道者请回复,是6句话, 送别古诗如:《送别》 yours用在信件末尾加人名是什么意思 信件结尾yours 在平面直角坐标系内,点p(m-3,m-5)在第三象限,则m的取值范围 A .m 《那截树枝》的满分作文 以 那截树枝 为话题 作文 关于红楼梦中人物的描写 红楼梦中人物的形象描写我希望得到红楼梦中所有人物的形象描写,包括外貌,衣饰,对人物的诗词描写等.当然,其他小说的人物外貌描写也可以,但希望越详细越好·~ Do you know what the answer is? answer,think,the,you,is,what,do如何连词成句 为什么要用Do you know what's wrong with him?的语序,却要用Do you know what the answer is?的语序 Do you know what's the c___thing? I think it is the belt 在三角形ABC中,点E在AC上,点N在BC上,在AB上找一点F,使三角形ENF的周长最小,试说明理由. 点E和F分别是三角形ABC边AC和AB上的点,则在BC边上是否存在一点N,使三角形ENF的周长最小 连词成句 (1):30dollars yellow the also shorts are (2):for sell 30yuan we pants only play-to air的含义是什么?in broadcase play-to-air application好像和广播信号有关系 $30,yellow,the,also,shorts,are连词成句 英语翻译I've been defeated and brought downDropped to my knees when hope ran outThe time has come to change my waysOn this day I clearly see everything has come to lifeA bitter place and a broken dreamAnd we'll leave it all,leave it all behindI'l I know,think you. Food is ______(need) for life. 能不能给我发I think you know的mp3 To live like you were dying是什么意思