
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 11:55:03
织田信长的长读什么音啊如题 我急需一篇关于学历是否等于能力的辩论稿,要求有需要事例.我是正方学历等于能力. 织田信长怎么死的 在哪 He found a bird in the tree.中的in the tree 是什么成份? 春天像——————————————.造句20字 虞世南●蝉表面上是写蝉,实际上是用了什么手法. 谁帮我写一首咏物诗啊,要自己写的哦,不能在网上抄,因为我们要交……不然会挂科要超过四行诶…… 查一首“咏物诗”,随便什么都可以,只要是“咏物诗”就行如题 写一首咏物诗 蝉这是一首咏物诗阅读答案 The last thing to be neglected is to observe the filial piety.帮分析下这个句子吧 The Last Thing To Go 歌词 1.简述国家垄断资本主义的基本形式.     答:   2.简述马克思主义的科学内涵. 1.简述国家垄断资本主义的基本形式.    答:  2.简述马克思主义的科学内涵.    答: 再见了,亲爱的母校,后面用那来造句 __going to the program You Are the One,she knew she had to be there or her mother would be ungappy.A Much although she dislikedB.Much as she disliked为什么不选A而选B It was (Tuesday) yesterday(对括号中的单词提问)--- --- --- --- yesterday 1.It was (January ninth) yesterday.对括号部分提问It was (January ninth) yesterday.对括号部分提问He could cook when he was five years old.改为同义句 He could cook ___ ___ ___ ___ old 3.Our classmates are talking about when th 英语翻译2nd 单独怎么理解怎么用、 翻译成英文:长大后你要娶我哦 翻译成英语 『你愿意娶她为妻吗?我愿意』 I'm still here,waitng for gou是什么意思? Friends第6季的第13集,RAHCHEL这句是什么意思?上下文如下:Jill:(entering) Sorry m late,what?s up?Rachel:(on the couch) Oh hi!know,I just wanted to see if there were any leads on the old job front. 英语作文 题目Job Wanted放暑假了,亨利(Henry),17岁,一名中学生,打算找一份饭店服务员或办公室清洁员的工作.请用英语帮他写一份50词左右的求职广告.他的联系电话是262-0926 circle the items monty't have.check your answerswith a partner.是什么意 though my mom could have made enough somehow 请求翻译 一个思考题,一个圆柱形油罐,原来高8分米,现在需要加高5分米,这样表面积增加6.28平方分米,油罐加高后的容积是多少升? give a command有什么意思 中间的思考题, A new command I give you:Love one another.As I have loved you,so you must love one another.By this all men will know that you ae my disciples,if you love one another." 英语翻译1.Knocking into players and falling down would be dangerous.2.The aim of basketball is for players to get a ball into the "basket". 速发:新目标九年级英语句子20个.(随便.)要自创, 在一个凸边形的纸板切下一个三角形后,剩下的是一个内角和为2160度的多边形,求n边形的边数.能详解 一下最好了.