
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 02:03:55
英语:i had a hard time getting through this novel 这里为什么不是to het through I had a hard time getting throught this novel I had a hard time getting throught this novel,who can remember the names of all those fort-five characters in it a.I found the book difficult b.I've learned a lot about names c.I don't remenber the titl To show how much we're going to miss her.为什么用we're going to to show how much we are going tomissto show how much we are going tomiss her,to show 只要to show how to say how much i miss you "他是否能来"翻译成英语,可以这样吗?Whether he can come or not?. He is come翻译下 I hope you all have a blessed day.It may be raining,but there's a rainbow above you帮忙翻译成中文!急` 跪求汤姆叔叔的小屋好词好句以及评析! 汤姆叔叔的小屋好句 英语翻译高手来~正如你所看到的很多游客来这里观光_____________,many tourists come here to visit. “翻过来翻过去”用什么成语代替怎么作 什么成语的意思是 翻过来翻过去,一次又一次明天要交! 你认为朋友应该具备哪些品质呢?请从下列描述朋友的词语中选出你认为最重要的三个品质,并简要解释你认为它最重要的原因?【 最重要的是要告诉me原因!】good-lookinghumoroushonestfriendlyhealthyhelp 人性的丑恶关于"人性丑恶"~大家对此有何看法..希望说得比较详尽...我是要大家发表自己的看法..不是说什么"这是见仁见智"等话... 人性的魅力与人性的丑恶到底哪个才是真本?要真知灼见,复制答案的去shi. 连词成句:1.a class meeting,have,will,We,this November,连词成句:1.a class meeting,have,will,We,this November,2.a model plane,see,was,He,making,I,to,when,came,him,3.He,told,the news,him had before,already known,you,4.She,the next week,she,g Data error reading drive C.开机不能进入系统,98系统的.显示完蓝天白云画面后,有句这样的提示: 在安装解码器以后,打开初音未来,却提示Error while read Texture "pic\note.png" Program will exit这是为什么啊 求教! I wanf you to be the man is watching a football match on TV对画线部分提问画线部分为watching a football match on TV Have you found the best way to work out the problem同义句Have you found the best way_ _ _the proble This is the best way they have found _______ the problem ________at present.A.settling; discussed\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05 B.to settle; being discussed\x05C.settling; to discuss\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05 D.to settle; discussing为什么选B不选D, 看看这句话是对的还是错的I found the best way to become a good student is to work hard We could ____ them to make ads for our products. A.make B.let C.get D.have火速,说明理由这题是不是出错了 Mary likes playing___violin while her brother is fond of plaing___chess.填The介词.怎么填? My brother usually watches the football _______(节目)on TV (给分)The teacher in the kindergarten are all ( ) children.A.good at B.look like C.good with D.care about Larry was outgoing that he soon ____the other children in the kindergarten.A.came up with B.put up withC.fitted in with D.dropped out of The mother made a promise that pleased all her children为什么这句是定语从句不是同位语从句 人性是有多丑恶? Though he tired his best to pass the driving test , ___he failed.横线上填什么?!A.but B.and C.yet D.even