
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 19:06:55
先把下面词语补充完整,再按要求分类. 六年级语文寒假作业上的,快! 急...有些我写好了,要分类.一尘不(染) 千( )一发 铺张( )( ) 烧杀抢(掠) 意(味)深长 () 急求五篇英语小短文!急需五篇英文小短文,可以是寓言,短片的故事,大概300-400个单词左右. 5篇英语小作文带翻译,100词左右 My friends can play on the swing.(否定句) 分析句子成分Western people buy their friends many gifts on Christmas Day 主语 谓语. 把一个用木条钉成的长方形捏住对角,拉成一个平行四边形,它的面积比原来长方形() 1.大 2.小 3把一个用木条钉成的长方形捏住对角,拉成一个平行四边形,它的面积比原来长方形()1.大 2. 英语翻译the player may place one piece at a time at any place instead of making a turn.when he clicks on an unoccupied square,a ghost image of the piece appears,the player may then select a piece from the reserve and confirm its placement.if the you can p tricks on your friends 三角形里哪条线到三边得距离相等.垂线?角平分线? It is very___to swim in that river.(danger) The girl is ___when she crosses the road.(care)The plane landed __at last .(safe) We know every year the vets in the __take care of a lot of animals.(clinic) 三角形的高、中线与角平分线均指____,而垂线是____,角平分线是____.快,加50分哦 已知三角形ABC的三条角平分线AD BG CH 相交于点o ,过o点作垂线 三角形的角平分线和垂线△ABC中,AB>AC,AD为高,AE为∠BAC平分线,DE=(BD*AC-DC*AB)/(AB+AC) 是否正确?我看到某题的答案中用到了这个定理, 1.i feel like ______ (swim) in the river. 关于被动语态的问题1.The ancient Egyptians are supposed to have sent rockets to the moon a long time ago.为什么要用have?2.Everything taken into consideration,the plan Xiao Wang put forward seems to be more workable.前半句中的taken 求德语标准发音!怎么老师教的和课本上MP3的读音不一样啊,从字母开始就不一样,比如B,MP3上读音和英语读音差不多,但是老师说要读成“bei”,就像“背”的音.挺困扰我的 《标准德语发音》这本书怎么样?《标准德语发音》(附1MP3) 作 者:付天海 (主编) 出版社:大连理工大学出版社 这本书适合初学者使用吗?我仅仅是因为感兴趣而学德语,纯粹是为了好玩, The class America is almost same as that in China.but something is different中间空白处加什么?加的是冠词! The weather in China is the same ____ America.A.as B.like C.as this in D.like that in选什么?为什么?这几个词有什么区别? 哪个英文代表摄像头驱动?就是找驱动盘,装驱动时分不清哪个英文是哪个硬件的驱动. Look,the boy ______ (swim) in the river. He is afraid to swim in the river.=He ____ ____ ____swim in the river . Look!They ________ in the river.A. swim B. are swimming C. are swiming D. to swim 英语作文(初中+高中) 写作方法指导其实我就想要些比较常用的词组,单词,好的句子我初三,通常都是些议论文或记叙文我不知道连词该怎么用 还有标点符号怎么加怎样突出主题,题材新颖些 被动语态的问题小弟初学新概念,Question1.Someone tells them 改成被动语态 They are told Question2.这句 They are told 句子是已经完成的句子吗?我总觉得很不合理 如何后面加个人称代词 比如 me you 的 句子 有关被动语态的问题His mother bought him a new coat.变被动1.He was bought a new coat by his mother.2.A new coat was bought for him by his mother.但是第一句He was bought a new coat by his mother.我有点看不懂,可以这么变吗? Look! The girl is swimming so fast. I___she__swimA know,can't b knew ,can't c don'tknow,can d didn't know,could 被动语态的问题讲到飞船发射时,要不要用被动呢?the spaceship lifted off还是the spaceship was lifted off?如果Lift off换成launch呢? 有手机软件能翻译英文吗?(写作业用) Let's_______[move] the picture and the lamps. 翻译:看到绿色“行走”标志时,我们可以过马路 _we see the green"walk"sign,we can _the road. Nancy非常感谢你 用英语咋说