
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 09:00:43
i ()two hours ()yesterday .昨天我花了两小时做家庭作业.根据汉语意思补充句子.这样行吗:i (took)two hours( to do my homework) yesterday.(spent) two hours (doing my homeword ) yesterday.另take是不是只能这样用it takes 基因突变存在中性吗? the doctor_____a_boy yesterday 为什么不能用完成时,要填saved dying Our b_ problem is how we can get the tickets for the concert. 答出和文言词意思相同的现代词例:乃(是)舟( ) 欲( ) 瑕( )其( ) 兀立( ) what do you study?我要怎么回答? what do you study?的中文意思和回答 what subjects do you study?怎么回答 求英语大神,破解这道语法填空 英语翻译2.Peach Machine3.Polymizer Machine6.Rolling Machine7.Cloth Inspection Machine 婚礼策划者 THE WEDDING PLANNER怎么样 请问哪里有日剧wedding planner视频啊? 填上适当的条件后,(1)果园里有荔枝树90棵,( ),果园里有龙眼树多少棵?(2)修一条公路,当修到全长5分之3时,( ),这条公路长多少米? Wedding Planner是什么意思 求婚礼上拜堂时的台词 要用英语表演中国传统的婚礼拜堂仪式,求英语台词, hat would be just what the doctor ordered是that would .... 呼仑贝尔什么意思 有人知道电影《Wedding Crashers婚礼傲客》中大约在67分钟时的那首插曲是什么歌吗?有没有人知道美国电影《wedding crashers(婚礼傲客)》中大约在67分钟左右时的插曲?当时剧情是夜晚时,男女主人 是at my work还是 on my work? I work on my business的on my business是什么意思?为什么用on? I have set out to work on my graduation paper, and you should set a   yours. After the doctor _a successful liver transport operation on him ,the engineer is in good condition.A carried on B performed Cworked out Dmade The diet is measured in () calories .填冠词 答案给的是"不填"为什么? 问一下这句I wear jumpers() my mum makes for meI wear jumpers(that) my mum makes for me. I like honey.My mum makes it. A______is a doctor who theats animals.A.pet B.vet c.let A___is a doctor who treats animals.A.pet B.vet C.let 横线应该填什么错的话,找算账 我为什么吃这么多都长不胖?男的 19岁 身体没病,中午无论吃面还是米饭都是一盆,菜也很多,晚上一两个馒头,不吃垃圾食品 生活有规律,可是还是很瘦,满身的排骨 腰细 脸因为没肉凹进去 怎么 1.The doctor couldn't see where______A.wounded him B.was his wound C.was he wound D.he was wounded2.They don't know _____ he will come unless told.They don't know _____ he will come until told.A.that B.weather C.how long D.if or not3.______makes me f 我吃的也不是很多却一直在长胖是怎么回事!我170,女性,不到两年长了20斤多斤,前段时间开始偶尔会胸闷气短,感觉呼吸不到氧气,这种症状会持续大概半个小时到一个小时左右.谁尝试过针灸减 为什么吃得不多还长胖