
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 22:39:30
今天是爸爸的生日 我给爸爸唱生日歌用英语怎么说 上星期是我爸爸的生日.用英语怎么说 两道关于英语倒装句的选择题1.Many a time ______a piece of good adviceA.gives me his B.he gives me C.I give himD.does he give me2.On the bed______A.a patient layB.did a patient lieC.a patient liesD.lay a patient注意讲清楚为什么选 英语倒装句练习中的一道选择题The air inside a house or office building often has higher concentrations of contaminants ______ heavily polluted outside air.A.than does B.more C.as more that are.D.like of 英语倒装句选择题Zhang Hua is clever and works hard at his lessons _____ it is with Li Ming 为啥是这样的, 一道英语倒装句的选择题He can drive a car,_____________________.A.so can his brotherB.so his brother canC.so his brother doesD.so are we我对过答案选的是A,请给我讲一下为什么可能的话给我说一下,都什么时候倒装, It is reported that in New Mexico,not until they graduate_______toleave high school.A.will teenagers be allowed B.teenagers will be allowedC.will be allowed teenagers D.allowed teenagers will be 英语翻译出国,需要证明信.内容为:兹证明***同学在***时间-***时间在***小学|中学读书.特此证明.证明兹证明***同学在1995年7月到2000年7月在龙口市诸由小学读书。特此证明2009年4月20日证明兹 英语翻译拜托哪位高手能不能帮我翻译一下物流中的仓储里面的入库和出库的英文术语啊?感激不尽! 问:1___my great motherland!(a).lone live (b).long does lives更正一下(a).lone lives 一道英语倒装句的题目______, he talks a lot about his favorite singers after class.A. A quiet student as he may be B. Quiet student as he may beC. Be a quiet student as he may D. Quiet as he may be a student这道题为 求英语倒装句的一道题答案-I hear that you're going back to Australia.Ihope you'll return one day.--_____.I hope to return when I'm older.这题答案为什么用So do i而不是so i do?是不是主语一致和不一致的关系,可否解 祝自己生日快乐永远25岁,爸爸妈妈你们辛苦了!英语怎么说 英语翻译最好是小红帽,好表达模仿语句的,少的, 英语倒装句 题Hardly( )when the bus suddenly pulled away.A.they had got to the bus stopB.they got to the bus stop C.did they get to the bus stopD.had they got to the bus stop选c 还是D 这里用到 完成时态? 英语倒装句一题.He did not sing a single song at yesterday's party.怎样改成以not为句首的倒装句?是 Not did he sing a single song at yesterday's party.还是 Not a single song did he sing at yesterday's party.为什么? 2006用英语应该怎样去读?是读作twenty O six还是读作twenty sixth还是读作twenty zero six? 2006用英语怎么读啊?是two thousand and six还是two thousand six? 原料的英文怎么说? 进口原材料的英文怎么说 [·steiʒən]这个音标的英文 倒装句英语怎么说 英文倒装句什么是部分倒装和完全倒装? 英语倒装句的分类 英语 倒装句?想说“机会跟危机同时存在” 或者“这里遍地机会,也遍地危机” 请问大神这样子表达有没问题...感觉怪怪的,应该有错- -Chances there are,risks should be taken 被北京大学录取 英语怎么说 求1分钟英语故事(初中级别)简单些 仓库进水了 英语怎么说啊急求昨天下大雨仓库进水了,我们的木架都湿了,因为客人误解为下雨我们的东西放在露天才造成的 [e]在英语音标里怎么发音 英语音标[e]到底怎么发音为什么allege[ə'ledʒ]和ballet [bæˈle]里一个发 诶 一个发 北大附小英语怎么说 --You don't come from America,do you?--_______.I come from .How do you know that?A.No,I do .B.Yes,Ido.C.Yes,Idon't D.No,Idon't 选哪个?说明原因.老师说了,是选D,我决定把分交给最少被采纳答案而且此答案正确的人,大家心