
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 19:29:19
把下列句子改成间接引语 外语高手来1,the teacher said, light travels faster than sound2,does he often buy the cloyhes in the shop ?asked millie3 tom said ,l stared learning english4,he asked tom ,what's you name?5,he waanted to know ,w 将下列句子改成间接引语(2)1、The little girl said:"I can speak three languages."2、She said to me ,"I think I am godd at English."3、He said to them ,"You can do better." 找梯形重心用作图法找平面梯形的重心 任意梯形的重心怎么找(除了悬挂)希望有图! 数控刀补,长度短了0.1该怎么弄回来是+0.1还是-0.1 TEE□ Type:T304 / T316 C-10 / C-40 关于三通的 数控折弯,一道弯长度增加多少?我记得有个表,通过板厚,材质,和折弯角度,能确定折弯前应该下料多长,也就是已知折弯后两边长度,能求出应该用冲床下多长的料,需要减去一个值, 谁能帮我把这些句子改成间接引语的?1、I what you to join the game."He said to me.''2、you can't play baskeball here."the teacher said.3、"I like this song".she told me.4、Where you parents like?"he asked.5、"Are you hungry?"Mr Brow 将这句直接引语改成间接引语1.Who are you going there with?2.Some teachers from our school.就是这样的嘛~Fred:Who are you going there with?间接:Ferd asked ...还有一句~ 怎样用确定重心的方法将梯形的面积二等分? 无机化学设计实验:证明离子存在. 将下列句子变成间接引语1.Tom said,"I'm watchingTVTom said that ________2.He said,I've lost my bike He said that ___________ 把下列的句子变成间接引语:1.“I’m leaving for London next week.” My sister said to me.2.John said,“Mr.Smith has come here.”3.She said,“Do you want me to help you?”4.“Did the man in the shop understand him at last?” She s 和赤朱丹彤一样的四字并列的成语 把下列句子变成间接引语.He says,"We are flying kites now."Mike said,''i go to Hainan for a holiday these days."Miss Green said,''The earth goes around the sun.''He asked ,"Are we cleaning the classroom now?"Lucy asked me,"when de you have d 如果滴定前没有用待测液洗移液管,会有什么误差,为什么? 谁能把下列句子变成间接引语1."I had a great holiday in England."Sally says.Sally says _____ _____ _____ a great holiday in Englang.2."Our parents are going to give us a party."the boy says.The boy says _____ _____ _____ going to give ____ 表示并列式的成语,如赤朱丹彤 并列式成语,如:赤朱丹彤 你怎么看待外星人? 你如何看待外星人关于外星人的报道是越来越多了!不知道你们又是如何看的呢? 已知梯形的重心的位置,如何证明这一位置的正确性设梯形上底为AB,下底为CD,取AB中点P,CD中点Q,连PQ,在PQ上取G点,使PG:GQ=(AB+2CD):(CD+2AB) ,则点G为梯形的几何中心(重心).几何作法:1)取AB中点P,C 外源细胞导到受体细胞的方法有哪些? 高一化学期末考试计算题加热16.8g nahco3至没有气体放出时,剩余的物质是什么?计算剩余物质的质量和物质的量 怎样看待(外星人)这种说法? 用适量MnO2与10mol/L的盐酸120ml(过量)反应制取Cl2,若反应过程中有0.2mol电子发生转移,求:(1).生成的Cl2的体积(标况下)(2).被氧化的HCl的物质的量(3).若把反应生成的溶液稀释成1L,从中取100ml,向其中 炎症部位最多的炎细胞是什么 神经细胞炎是神经有炎症吗? 歌尼斯堡七桥猜想 欧拉的柯尼斯堡七桥谜题谁会?据说这是史上智者公推的10大智力谜题之一,我也听说是无解的. 癌细胞有易浸润组织的特性, 用一句来描写孙悟空的外形.