
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 03:52:59
谁能推荐一本同义词词典?谁能推荐一本英英的同义词词典?可以用来写作和扩大词汇量 第七题那个x趋于2的那个负号是神马意思? 等会见 用粤语怎么说 请问你准备在这里待多久,用广东话怎么说? 高一下册必修2学什么知识,什么内容? 英语翻译比如说这处理器一分钟只能处理五条数据。怎么说 英语翻译1.Man's understanding and his mastering of matter and energy justify his claim to superiority,provide him with the basis for enriching and deepening human experience.2.There's no running away from the facts;they just have to be faced up t 谁有人教版英语九下配套练习册(新目标) 我是一个高中生,请推荐一本适合我用的英语同义词辨析字典是一本同/近义词辨析词典,类似牛津双解当中将N个词放在一起比较的notice;我之前买过一本朗文的精简版辨析字典,结果几乎无 哪种英语同义词词典好?牛津的还是外研社的好啊?请前辈指教! 牛津英语同义词词典(英汉版) 八人坐两排,每排四人,甲必坐前排,乙丙必坐同一排,几种坐法?请详解C5(3) 与A5(3)也一样? 英语翻译The body was bluish,devoid of hair,with some little spots mainly in neck and face.Its total length was approximately 12 centimeters.It showed a protuberance in the forehead area,elongated ears,reddish eyes and a snout similar to that of r 帮我翻译一段比较简单的英文It had a very faint cry, which could just be heard if you had your ear at water level. Many thousands of postcards were sold from this one photograph. The boatmen used to conduct Jaspek (一种生物,全文围 能不能帮我找一些关于“看”的英文单词,如仔细的看.最好有例句, 英语中地点的表达方式有什么 例句写出来 1.当他看见外星人向他走来的时候,他很害怕He ___ ___ when he saw the alien ___ towards him.2.当我往学校走的时候,我看见一只猫在树上____ I ___ ____ to school,I saw a cat in the tree. 英语翻译1.We don't allow smoking here.(改为同义句)Smoking _____ _____ _____ here.2.我的卧室很小,没有空间放这么大的一张桌子。My bedroom is very small,and there is _____ _____ _____ _____ such a large dsek. 九年级英语练习册, 英语翻译age(翻成中文)surfing(翻成中文) 英语六级成绩查询20108月27号的具体什么时间开通查询啊? 英语翻译第九 第十九 第九十哪个要去e 两道英语翻译,急!他们为发言做了充分的准备(their presentation)她对自己得奖非常谦虚(modest about)......一楼的,别闹!! 英语翻译 英语翻译Ted is only five years old.He doesn't go to school.And he can't read and write.His brother Dick is twelve years old.He is a schoolboy.One day,Dick looked Ted writing something carefully."What are you doing?""I'm writing a letter to my goo 英语翻译 09年大学英语六级成绩查询372611091204118英语六级曹广霞谢谢 09年英语六级成绩查询372121091203507,手机上查不到 09年英语六级查分准考证号321030091201907 解不定积分∫(3x^3)/(1-x^4)dx 1.用0、1、2、3、4、5、6组成没有重复数字的6位数,能被25整除的共有多少个?2.在三位正整数中,能被3整除的偶数共有多少个?请写出详细的思路,最好归纳这一类题的解法,表示法:排列数——A( [(n-m+1)n!+mn!]/(n-m+1)!=(n+1)!/(n+1-m)!这个等式为什么相等,