
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 11:41:30
I want to listen to some music.Iwould like _______.A a mirror B a phone C a pair of earphones playing ping pong with my friends ()fun my friend ( like)piaying ping pong very much.应该填什么形式 My friend has many ping-pong b( ). My friend and I play ping-pong after school.(改为同义句) ---there was an earthquake in japan on March 11th,2011 and many peopie lost lives.----__________.A---there was an earthquake in japan on March 11th,2011 and many peopie lost lives.----__________.A.I'm sorry to hear that.B.What"s the matter with tham. Many people fall into panic due to the earthquake and tsunami in Japan butMany people fall into panic due to the earthquake and tsunami inJapanbut experts don’t expect this to be ________ as proper measures have been taken.A.compulsory B.contempora many people lost their home in Japan's earthquake分析句子结构the boy under the tree is my friend 西班牙语语法疑问之四在《现西》第二十一课后的词汇有这么一句话:quedate(第一个e有重音符号) aqui(i有重音) y espera a Juan.意思是:你留在这等Juan.这儿quedar是作为自复代词实用的,请帮 西班牙语语法疑问之五在《现西》第二册第55页有这么两句话:此外,第三人称单复数也没有命令式.但第二人称的礼貌式usted、ustedes与其变位相同,有命令式.1、这里说的命令式指的是否定命令 西班牙语语法疑问之八1.现西第二册201页-ve cumplido su deseo,这句话的意思是她实现了自己的梦想.请问这里ve的主语是那个女孩,还是su deseo,2.现西第二册202页-ya que ocasiones no nos faltaran para comunicarn 西班牙语语法疑问之十请各位热心网友帮忙回答下,春节快乐!《现西》第二册323页第十五课课文中有这么一句话:En cuanto al muchacho,anda tu a saber de donde venia!(不好意思,特殊标点符号没有标).1. 阅读理解Dogs are friends of man.They work for us.Dogs are friends of man.They work for us.They hunt for us.They play with us.But once,all over the world,dogs were wild.Thousands of years ago,man began to train the wild dogs .The strong dogs becam there was_____terrible earthquake in 2011 in japan!it killed____peopleA./,thousands ofB./,thousandC.a,thousands ofD.a,thousands写明原因! 粮食是人们生活中不可缺少的必()品要学好语文必( )下苦功夫. 关于兴趣的名言10条 Because of the hard work of those______,the _____now is so developed.(science)适当形式 这个空怎么填?Guo Jingjing is always c of winning the games because of her hard work. he works hard,because this is ( )important work A.a B.an C.the D./请写明原因,急, I was very interested in _____ she told me.A.all that B.all which C.all what D.that请问哪个答案正确?为什么?C 答案是all what,不是what哦。A答案all that=what.觉得答案是在A和C之间 UV返修水如何英文翻译? I was very interested in _____ she told me.A.all that B.all which C.all what D.that "返工"/"返修"怎样英文翻译 I was very interested in all that she told me .这不是宾语从句吗?为何是定语从句呢? 英语翻译:这批需要返工的零件已经在上周返完了, i was interested in ___she told me.A.all that.B.i was interested in ___she told me.A.all that.B.all what 为什么选B不选A 文化的融合英文怎么翻译 关于一个西班牙语的语法问题在书上看到一句话:se me ha olvidado el regalo 我知道就相当于he olvidado el regalo 意思就是我忘记带礼物了!但是 对于第一句话 我很不理解 1 既然是“我忘记”为什么要 西班牙语一个语法问题!我喜欢是Me gusta 为什么不是gusto,我觉得是Me parece 不是pareco 这个语法的规则是什么,求大神解答! 关于西班牙语的一个语法问题Me gusta comer chocolate.这句中的Me 与格 ,gusta是gustar的第三人称变位 ,可是既然是我喜欢,为什么用到第三人称的变位呢?不能用gusto she spends two hours ___ the piano every day.该选什么?为什么?A.practisingB.practicedC.to practiseD.to practiced I have many friends ____some are yoga-lovers.