
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 03:38:07
go to a party和go to parties的区别 go to the parties和go to parties都对吗? 对划线部分提问!Mr Smith (always)goes home (by car).2问 Mr.Smith isn't at home now.同义句 Mr.Smith isn't at home —— —— ——. Mr.Smith likes watching his children ( )at homeA.swim B.swims C.swam D.to swim 还有我们现在在上一般还有我们现在在上一般过去时 Mr Smith always asked his son how he____his study A.got to B.got on C.got upD.got on with 宇宙中.移动速度最快的星体.不是自转速度.就是1秒能达到多少多少米远的星体.要最快的移动速度的星体.对了是星体的名字。到目前为止发现的。最快移动星体的名字 夜晚看见一个移动速度快.的东西(天上的)想问它到底是什么?它的移动速度很快,周围的灯有黄.红.蓝色,那些灯光不停闪.它在天上飞,很快,它飞得很高.月亮在它的西方在下去10度左右.在云南 Dr.Smith was always ______ the poor and the sick,often providing them with free medical care.A) reminded of B) absorbed in C) tended by D) concerned about 做了一道选择题,题干是“下列符合达尔文自然选择学说的是?”,里面有一个选项:青霉素的效果越来越差是病原体对青霉素选择的结果.答案说是错的,为什么? 翻译:"phone his teacher first ,go to visit the teacher.和buy a ticket first,get on the train.'' i have not had it.这句话语法对吗?如何翻译啊? it is not like these guys do not have it coming.这句话是怎么翻译的.语法结构是怎么样的电影上满的句子。意思是这些人是咎由自取。想不通怎么翻译的过来 强调句的反意疑问句 It was Mr.Smith that you met at the meeting ,——?横线填什么 翻译:你知道这三个词之间的区别吗 Do you know the ( )words? 5丶6丶7小题怎么做 you never know the words I held back 等翻译, 5、6、7小题 英特英语西单校区什么时候正式开业的啊? 英特英语西单校区的优惠截止时间是什么时候啊? 求人教版九年级英语Unit1-15课文,单词听力!发送Two four five four six one zero nine nine的企鹅油香,谢谢! when Tom saw me,he w his hand to me 克己复礼什么意思 是he was not ___ Mr.smith that i know 这里用a还是the为什么? 孔子的著名主张“克己复礼”是什么意思? 克己复礼是什么意思 Mr.Smith told me that he had got()to do at the moment.A.enough thingB.enoughC.much enoughD.thing enough 克己复礼制度的意义 I was having a hard time doing的意思 Do you like eat dumpling?I like eat dumpling.上面这些句子有没有问题?还有dumpling要不要加s Do you like porridge or dumpling的错误 do you like porridge or dumpling 中有一处错误 哪里错的?