
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 17:12:02
读后感、4篇能帮我写4篇读后感、跪求了、要五六年级的必选里的课外书、别的也行、急用啊、30金币,求回答、字数在400字 楞次定律的实验里面那个电流表到底是怎么偏的?电流方向上下呢… 请问“最爱的不一定是最好的!”用英语怎么说? 为什么 由楞次定律可知,线圈中产生感应电流的磁场应该是向上减小,或向下增加; 给我找错误,我写的英语短文My name is Li Ming.l'm a student.l think l is a good student,but l hate English lessons.can you give me some good idea?l'm not interested in English.l think remember words is very diffcult.What can l do when l mee 关于楞次定律的应用有一直导线ef(从卷面上来看,e在上,f在下)与一矩形线框abcd(四个端点所代表的字母按逆时针方向)在同一平面内且互相绝缘.线框在直导线右侧(即cd所在的方向)的面 Every one year,thousands of people visit the city Venice.It's very beautiful.There are not any read there,so there are not any cars buses and taxis either.There are canals only.All of them add to 178and one of them is quite big while rest are small.P “放弃爱你,可能是最好的.”用英语怎么说?一定要准确啊! 帮忙找下文章的错误(英语高手请进)several days ago,I asked my friend,"If you can make a dream come ture,which dream do you want?" A few seconds later,he answered,"I want to stay with my dearest forever." Most of us will think he must sta 我想知道详细的世界飞机发展史 飞机的发展史 飞机发展史 100读后感,4篇作文 四篇作文 两篇读后感作文 成长的故事、心中的阳光、这一天,让我铭记、点亮心灵的灯 每篇600字左右读后感内容不限 500字左右 哺乳动物的红细胞都是不是都没有细胞核请速回! 急需1篇读后感,和4篇作文,1封信!1.《断剑》 2.有关升旗仪式的作文 3.勇气 《门其实开着》为题的作文 4.以写信的方式给鲁宾逊写信!心灵对话!5.《我喜欢的小动物》 作文.字数300-500之间 如果 初二英语作文求批改!看看有没有语法上的错误!I often went to the movie theatre in the past.I used to like to watch movies at the movie theatre,because I thought it's very interesting and it can help me relax.But now I hate watching m 帮我检查以下这个英语小短文有什么语法上错误的地方.Hello,Kayla,I have seem you post since a few minute ago.Amd I really want to make friends with you.Now,let me tell you something about me.My name is Mike ,and I am 15 years old. 请把这篇英语短文 语法不对的地方请修改过来 ,Dear Tom:I‘m now studing in Shan Dong College Of Tourism & Hospitality .We have less lessons compare to high school life,but the pressure didnt decrease,because lessons are much harder 谁知道世界航空航天发展史? 求一些生僻的字 最好能组成一些词.呃 要求就这么多.分都给你们了 求字简单但词生僻的生僻成语,越多越好比如白龙鱼服是带4个常用字的生僻成语! 填1个字组词 英语好的进,帮我修改下此文章的错误地方,详细点最好.I feel very very very happy these day.Because I am at my home.I can see my mother every day and night.When I at univercity I can't see her even I feel so sick.Some time I think i 楞次定律·····如图所示,在水平面上有一固定的U形金属框架,框架上置一金属杆ab,在垂直于纸面方向有一匀强磁场,下面情况可能的是( ) A.若磁场方向垂直于纸面向外,磁感应强度增大时,杆ab 帮忙修改一下这片英语短文有语法错误或者其它错误的地方,Do you see that yellow snake?Yes,it's in the green grass.It is out of the zoo snakes.see,the zoo staff came,He wants to put the snake back.Next to the boy and girl are ver 已知a与b为不共线的单位向量,k为实数,若向量a+b与向量ka-b垂直,求k 已知a,b为两个不共线的单位向量,k为实数,若向量a+b与向量ka-b垂直,则k= 已知向量A与向量B为两个不共线的单位向量,K为实数,若向量A+向量B与向量KA-向量B垂直,则K=? 已知向量A与向量B为两个不共线的单位向量,K为实数,若向量A+向量B与向量KA-向量B垂直,则K=?最后两步K+(K-1)AB-1=0怎么转化成(K-1)(AB-1)=0 中国飞机的发展史 爱是什么 空心字