
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 17:05:22
设f(x)为奇函数,且在(-无穷大,0)内是减函数,f(-3)=0,则不等式xf(x) 1.已知函数f(x)=a-1/(2^x+1),若f(x)为奇函数,则a=( )2.已知函数f(x)是奇函数,已知x大于等于0时,f(x)=-2x^2+x+3.则当x a为三角形的内角,向量a=(cosa,sina),向量b=(根号3,-1),|2a-b|=4,则a=( )(5π)\6 1,若数列 {an}为等差数列 ,m n p 是互不相等的正整数 ,则有(m-n)ap + (n-p)am + (p-m)an =0 ,类比上述性质 对等比数列{bn} 有什么性质2设F(n)=1/(n+1)+1/(n+2)+1/(n+3)+...+1/(n+n) ,则f(n+1)-f(n)=____3 数列1 (1)建筑一个容积为8100m^3,深9m的长方形蓄水池,池壁的造价为a元/m^2,池底的造价为2a元/m^2,问怎样设计水池能使总造价最低?(2)已知二次函数f(x)最小值为f(-1)=0,且f(0)=1求f(x)的解析式(3)y=(0.5)^x He has the bad habit of not washing his hands before meals.我想问一下为什么wash为什么要用ing? 1.Are you afraid of snakes and lions _____________________________________________ 2.Would you like to come to my party this evening?_____________________________________________ 3.Which is your favourite aninmal?_____________________________________ 你能稍我一程吗?Could you give me () () 完成句子,每空一词 题如下:四:Read the sentences from the passage .Say who or where the underlined words refer to1.so 【They】 flu different places foe their holiday.2His grandparents live 【there】 and he visits them every Spring Festival3【He】's written 用 used to do ,be used to do ,be used to doing 和括号内动词的适当形式填空.1.I ______ (read) English for half an hour every morning.2.There ______ (be) a quiet mountain village.3.Cloth can ______ (make) clothes.4.You ______ (go) to schoo 设奇函数f(x)在(0,+∞)上为减函数,且f(1)=0,则不等式(f(x)-f(-x))/x<0的解集为? 奇函数f(x)在(0,正无穷)上是减函数,且f(-1)=0,则不等式f(x)/x>0的解集为答案是(-1,0)∪(0,1),求详解 已知奇函数f(x)满足f(-1)=0,在(0,+∞)上是增函数,则不等式xf(x) 不等式mx-2小于3x+4,解集为X大于6/m-3,求m范围 英语简单的高中题这个更值得看 翻译it is _____worth _____than that one.A more B better 1.The factory ,_______workers are all women,is closed for part of the school holidays.A,whose B which ,c,that ,d,on which2.There are many things which have to ______before we finally make up one's mind.A,think of b,think about c,be thought of d,be th Jenny nearly missed the flight ______ doing too much shopping.A.as a result of B.on top of C.in front of D.in need of 已知奇函数f(x)是[-2,2]内的单调减函数,解不等式:xf(2x-1) 已知奇函数f(x)是[-2,2]内的单调减函数,解不等式xf(2x-1) 函数y=f(x)在区间(-∞,0)和(0,+∞)上是减函数,且f(2)=f(-2)=0 则不等式xf(x)>0的解集为? 是否存在整数m,使不等式mx-m>3x+2的解集为x<-4?若存在,请求出m的值.若不存在,请说明理由. f(x)是奇函数,在(0,正无穷)上为增函数,f(-3)=0.解不等式xf(x) The computer was used in teaching.As a result,not only___,but also students became more interested in the lessons.A.saved the teacher's energy B.was teacher's energy savedC.teacher's energy was saved D.was saved teacher's energy ( )twice ,the Postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog.A.Being bitten B.Bitten C.Having bitten D.To be bitten 问一道英语高中题The students were walking in the street ( ).A.in twos and threes B.in two's and three's C.two and three D.in twos' and threes' 问一道英语高中的题( )Walk is expected to last all day,so bring ( )packed lunch .A.A;a B.The;不填 C.The;a D.A;不填 已知关于X的方程KX=4-X的解为正整数,求K所能取得的值 关于X的方程kx=4的解为正整数,求k的值@~ 定义在R上的函数f(x)满足f(-x)=-f(x),f(x-2)=f(x+2)且x∈(-1,0)时,f(x)=3^x,则f(log3(85))=? 已知,函数f(x)=ax^2+bx-2(x?R.a不等于零).1,判断其奇偶性2,当a<0时,方程f(x)=x两实根X1,X2满足X1 高中数学函数一道题定义中y=log(a)x,(a>0且a≠1)若a<1,则图像是单调递减的.若a>1,则递增.那么有的题是这么问的 判断函数y=log(1/3)x^2-4x+5的单调区间.这怎么回事?这个函数不也是近似可以看做 设lg[f(x)*g(x)]的定义域为集合A,lg[f(x)]的定义域为集合B,lgg(x)的定义域为C,则A、B、C之间有( )A.C⊆B⊆AB.(B∩C)⊆AC.A=B∩CD.(B∪C)⊆AB//////////// B,C有什么区别?