
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 01:26:34
What did you eat?和中文翻译 表现月夜情景之美的成语 求一首英文歌、有一点的歌词好像是“tell me why ,why why "还有一处是“I can saying"什么的, 已知直线x+y+m=0与圆x2+y2-8x=0相交于A,B,求弦AB的中点M的轨迹方程 在圆x2 +y2= 4上,一直线与其相交于弦AB且该直线恒过点M(0,1),直线绕M旋转,求该弦的中点坐标的轨迹方程 由圆外一点P(2,1)引圆O:x2+y2=4的割线交圆于A,B两点,求弦AB中点的轨迹. Are they boys here?(否定回答) 什么是模八计数 难以计数是什么意思 ls there a |ake in the nature park?(作肯定和否定回答) Tom was ill yesterday.(对划线部分提问)ill 关于人物神态描写的句子 Tom carried the books home yesterday.划线提问carried the books划线 The boys are s_____in f____of the TV set.They are w_____TV. verilog HDL语言中 不明白在什么场合会用到.具体含义是什么 are they watching TV the in bedroom如何连词成句 They are watching the TV in the t____?填什么?就是这里了 填什么最合理 先谢过 .我和妈妈坐在电视机前.Mother and I are ______________ the TV set. river in a is the There vilage怎么连词成句/ The villagers are searching the village for the lost boy.(改成同义句) They are looking for the lost boy from one house to another .同意句转换They are looking for the lost boy from one house to another .同意句转换They are looking for the lost boy — — — —. Let me _____you _____your luggage同义句 Let me take your luggage Can I help you with your luggage?交际用语-Can I help you with your luggage?-_________.选择哪个?A.Thank you.I can manage it myself B.No way.I can do it myself C.No,I don't need your help D.You do your things,please You must have your luggage ____ first before you board the airplane.A.weigh B.weighted C.weighing D.weighed我就是不知道B和D的区别,帮我说说吧高手们 求描写小说里漂亮女孩的句子,要美,最好用环境衬托女孩最喜欢蔷薇,最喜欢扎两个辫子,喜欢穿很梦幻的蓝色纱裙 Sunday homework often do I onSunday homework often do I on you(.) 我英语刚四级水平要考bec高级需要准备多长时间?谢谢各位 Bec高级准备多久今年大一~ 雅思7分 听7读7口语6.5写作6.5 ~~准备bec大概要多久?~ 翻译i'm going to bring some vegetables i have grown to school. 【 】are you going to get enough money?-I am going to borrow some from my friends【 】are you going to get enough money?-I am going to borrow some from my friends Mun is going to do some cooring翻译 我们回采取强硬的措施来保护我们的家园的英文怎么写?