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公式发——平方差公式(因式分解) a^3-a^2+1/4a因式分解 因式分解:4A^2-(1+A^2-b^2)^2 求问几道SAT语法题!谢谢1,The first Asian American to be elected governor in the United States, Geodge Ariyoshi of Hawaii has served longer rhan any of his predecessors when he retired from office in 1986.在这里面正确答案给的是改ha 问几道SAT语法题,IS题the difference between L and S is that the former is optimistic; the latter,pessimistic.为什么不是the difference between L and S is that the former is optimistic,the latter,pessimistic.2,IE题some historians liken the SAT几道语法题目几道语法题,旁边的选项是我选的.不知道为什么错,还有,SAT 巴郎与真题像吗?We had ought to finish our trip before dark because it gets very cold after the sun goes down.By the time the bank guard closed th 求问几道sat语法题The first MSOG World Cup,held in Chile,was won by Chilean baseball (team; it was won by four victories and no defeats).B、team,which had four victories and no defeatsE、team,having four victories and with no defeats为啥选 对下列多项式进行因式分解``(1)2X^3+4X^2-6X (2)X^4+6X^2+8(3)X^4+5X^2-36 (4) X^4-29X^2+100(5)(X^2+3)^2-3(X^2+3)+2(6)(X^2+X)(X^2+X-2)-3 数学题:某工厂有两个车间,第一车间的人数占总人数的60%,如果从第一车间调24人到第二车间,则两车间人数就相等了.全厂有多少人? 某工厂有三个车间,一车间占全厂总人数的1/5,二车间占全厂总人数的2/15若一二车间共有85人,这两个车间各有多少人?若三车间有180认为呢,全厂有多少人 某工厂有两个车间,第一车间的人数占全厂总人数的65%.如果第一车间调24人到第二车间,则两个车间的人数相等某工厂有两个车间,第一车间的人数占全厂总人数的65%.如果第一车间调24人到第二 某工厂有两个车间,第一车间人数占全厂总人数的65%,如果从第一车间调24人到第二车间,则两个车间人数相等原来第一车间有多少人?写出过程,谢谢 求解这两题,要因式分解法,完全平方式这章的 一车间有甲、乙两个组,甲组人数和乙组人数之比是5:3,如果从甲组调18人到乙组,则一车间有甲、乙两个组,甲组人数和乙组人数之比是5:3,如果从甲组调18人到乙组,则甲组人数与乙组人数之比为 甲车间人数比乙车间人数的4/5少30人,如果从乙车间调10人到甲车间去,那么甲车间的人数就是乙车间的3/4.求原来每个车间的人数. 问一道sat语法题Aloe vera is a succulent (plant from whose leaves are extracted) a gel that has been prized since ancient times for its medicinal properties.A.plant from whose leaves are eextracted B.plant from whose leaves is extractedC.plant f 求问一道SAT语法题(A) According to educational statistics,the average age of college students (B) has risen (C) quite noticeable (D) over the past 28 years.请问哪里有问题 为什么 问一下SAT一道语法题~1)Theodore Roosevelt was not just a great reformer ; he was also a great president.2)Not just as a reformer,Theodore Roosevelt was also a great president.答案说的是1)但2)有什么问题吗? 已知地铁列车每10分钟一班,在车站停1分钟,求乘客到达站台立即乘上车的概率答案是十分之一还是十一分之一,这10分钟要不要包括到达终点停留的1分钟的时间. sat语法2题 1.The team of flight mechanics,_four who_are certified electricians,work on all of the interior mechanical malfunctions reported by the flight crews.A.four whoB.four that C.four of whomD.four whichE.four of which 此题选c,为啥一定 sat 语法题求助,1.Despite research( on the diagnosis of) heart disease and the use of (increasingly) sophisticated technology (in its treatment),the condition of coronary arteries (is) still difficult to assess precisely.可是我觉得its 指代 一个车间计划用30天生产900台机床,实际前5天生产了145台,照这样计算,能不能按时完成任务? 甲,乙两个车间原计划装配机床180台,甲车间完成了计划的112%,乙车间完成了计划的110%,这样共装配机床200台,两个车间比原计划多装几台?列二元一次方程解决问题AB两地相距500km,甲乙两汽车由AB 已知x+y=0.2 x+3y=1 求3x²+12xy+12y² 已知x²-12xy-28y²=0(x≠0,y≠0),求(2x+3y)/28 问两道SAT 语法题IE题.2009年5月的Early rock and roll music ,like jazz and the blues ,celebrated characteristics of urban life that was once only disparaged :loud ,repetitive city sounds were reproduced as raucous melodies and insistant rhyth 请教两道SAT语法真题!高手请进!谢谢!第一道是改文章里面的改句子,我觉得B和E都可以(其它明显错误选项我就不列了),为什么答案是E?B有什么错?文章(只和第一段有关,我就只打了第一段,可能有 1.Our team has worked for several 我觉得原句是对的,因为that后面指的是关于science fair的东西可是答案是months on a robot that we plan to enter in the robotics division of the science fair2.The hummingbird may appear to be a del 某车间计划每天生产88个零件,要25天完成,由于提高功效结果比原计划提前5天完成任务……某车间计划每天生产88个零件,要25天完成,由于提高功效结果比原计划提前5天完成任务,实际每天比原 甲,乙两个车间原计划装配机床180台,甲车间完成了计划的112%,乙车间完成了计划的110%,这样共装配机床200台,两个车间比原计划多装几台?(只设未知数、列方程组、不解) 因式分解:(1)(x-y)²-2(x-y)+1(2)(x+1)²-4x(x+1)+4x² 一道SAT语法题A thick growth of sunflowers (standing ten feet tall,their brown heads drooped) over the fence with the weight of their seeds,这道题里面有2个及其纠结的选项A.standing ten feet tall,their brown heads droopedB.stood t