
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 00:53:31
____(介词)July. 家里鱼用自来水能养活吗?怎么能养活? 用多少立方水才能养活一尾鱼 为什么水放在太阳下暴晒,水容易养活鱼?为什么会加满氧气?阳光里有氧分子吗?还是水中的氢气跑了? 伊拉克最著名的河流叫什么2条 伊拉克位于南亚波斯湾地区吗?底格里斯河和幼发拉底河流经境内吗?位于南亚波斯湾地区吗?底格里斯河和幼发拉底河流经境内吗? 喋喋不休的意思是什么 it's very cold outside outside and you're going to school.what have you got to do?旁边有一个大衣图案 幼发拉底河和底格里斯河中哪一条河在伊拉克的北面 Yestday afternoon I asked smeone to take some photos for me.怎样为同意句 give you three day time.well think tell me bye是什么意思 when did you go there?这句英语中文意思. 园艺专业英语 翻译Crop Production Situation In agriculture,solar energy is fixed in biomass by the process of photosynthesis,according to the overall reavtion H2O+CO2=(CH2O)+O2 Li Ming is a strong build.咋改病句? afford to pay for her child's education什么意思 pay afford区别he knows his father can well ____the car.填afford和pay都可以吧? pay afford区别 pay afford区别 just way you are temporary pay 还有,department store是不是小卖部的意思啊? assignment是什么呀? assignment the oral assignment Resitation This week ,I'll ask someone to take some photos 同意句 This week ,I'll_____some photos______ wish you to make the happy 宫颈活检结果:局灶CIN1级伴挖空细胞怎么治疗 宫颈活检:宫颈3、6、9、12点)黏膜慢性炎伴鳞状化生,部分细胞呈挖空状改变,(12点)局灶腺体呈轻度异型增生.HPV全项检查都是阴性好的.是属于癌前病变什么程度了? It's a ___ (convenient) to live near the station hide被动语态是什么? 英语翻译 Medicine is dangerous for children,so it should be kept away___ them.A.by B.to C.from D.of Yesterday my sister asked someone to pierce her ears.(改为同义句)Yesterday my sister her ears . i must ask someone to pierce my ears 同义句RTI MUST ____ ____ ____ ____