
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 22:51:22
英语翻译对不起,我不会讲太多英语,我们可以用中文交谈吗? 英语翻译1.Would you please pass me _______ mini-dictionary next to the radio?And I also need ______ colourful pencil to write something.A a ,a B the ,the C the,a D a,the2.What does the lady look like?----______A Shi is fine and patient B She like 它是19元6角用英语怎么说 入乡随俗用英语怎么说? 我现在该怎么办用英语怎么说 19元的英语翻译中文读法 19元起用英语怎么说还有哪个网站学英语比较好 16*17*18*19*20怎么写 1,2,3,4,16,17,18,19平均分成2组,有几种分法?1,2,3,4,16,17,18,19平均分成2组,有几种分法?阿阿阿阿阿 阿 (1+1/16+1/17+1/18)×(1/16+1/17+1/18+1/19)-(1+1/16+1/17+1/18+1/19)×(1/16+1/17+1/18)= 19-18+17-16+15.-4+3-2+1 (1+16分之1+17分之1+18分之1)*(16分之1+17分之1+18分之1+19分之1)-(1+16分之1+17分之1+18分之1+19分之1)*(16分之1+17分之1+18分之1) (-1/16)^17*(-3)^18*(-2)^19(-1/16)的17次方乘以(-3)的18次方乘以(-2)的19次方结果用幂的形式表示 英语翻译 从十一月5号到十一月10号这段时间里 用英文翻译11月6日急!急!急!我要写作业! 十一月二日 英语翻译 英汉互译:在11月13日( ) 英语翻译 我将在上海呆在下周. 英语翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译Our sample is attached under separate cover.As we have received large number of orders from our clients,it is quite probable that our present stock may soon run out.This offer is valid for two weeks.Your prompt order will be much apprecia 英语翻译i stopped writing stories to you,coz your corrections turned out to be pretty strange 英语翻译 英语翻译麻烦将此界面内容翻译成中文.准确点.. 英语翻译考瑙K奥酷…K要卡拉瓦丝来玛丝!一塔义开祷…到~消毛那卡塔…奥抱爱太乃:毛,啊它希你爱依桃噶…一瓦那一戴!哒一丝K哒它黑桃:萨遥那拉…啊依希它黑桃:萨遥那拉. 英语翻译what did you do when you got stuck 是“当你遇到困难的时候你做了什么?”“”还是当你下定决心的时候你做了什么?“ 这个翻译成中文是什么意思 英语翻译第一:to make learning history a real experience .第二:However,his parents won't allow him to train as much as he would like to .第三:Being a proessional runner is the only thing I have ever wanted to do..(另外这里的 muc 17,9] [19,8,9] [23,15] [8,1,15] [24,9,1,14,7] [14,9] ,[25,9,14,7]谁能帮我用摩斯密码翻译出来要命的! 英语翻译The potential of the computer as a teaching machine promises increasing design sophistication.Computers can be programmed to judge student input and to tailor lessons to each individual’s level of mastery. 英语翻译Privatization,or the threat of it,is a motivation as well.Monopolies that until recently have been free to take their customers for granted now fear what Michael Perry,a marketing professor,calls “the revengeful consumer.” 这里面