
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 14:16:28
同义句转换:1.Must we hand in our homework tomorrow morning?___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___tomorrow morning同义句转换:1.Must we hand in our homework tomorrow morning?___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___tomorrow morning?2.The boys in Class 1 didn't have a party . 快How much [ ]the sheep -----[ ]one hundred yuan each.A是are.They areB是is.It's C是is.They are 求以"阳光少年"为题的500字作文!题目是"阳光少年". 用精忠报国造句 精忠报国怎么造句 用幅员辽阔、精忠报国分别造句~我的意思是用幅员辽阔造一个句 精忠报国造一个句 用精忠报国或锦绣山河造句 用精忠报国和光明磊落的造句(两个写一段话) 急!求一篇以交通和城市生活的英语演讲稿……悬赏100分!谢谢…… 当前的热点话题2013 急求!十万火急 2013年新年伊始,中国中东部地区遭遇‘十面霾伏’.造成雾霾天气的主要原因是空气中可吸入颗粒物的增加,尤其是PM2.5含量的增加.查阅资料知PM2.5是指直径小于或等于2.5微米的颗粒,其颗粒直径 Last weekend we bought some delicious apples_____ten yuan_____five yuan half Last week we bought some delicious apples___ten yuan___five yuan. you are talking to a visitor to china.you want to know his/her nationality.用英语提问. Who know English songs ,could you talk with me?3Q 有通往未来的时间通道吗,人类可以回到过去吗? 一张100元的纸币是a hundred-yuan note,a one-hundred-yuan note还是 a one hundred-yuan note,哪个对?一个200元的书包是a two-hundred-yuan bag还是a two hundred-yuan bag.two与hundred之间用不用连字符. They are a hundred yuan(对a hundred yuan提问) 中译英:我很高兴成为WD大家庭的一员. 您好!很高兴成为百度一员,希望大家多多关照.请问到哪里可以发表文章?最好是有稿费的.多谢! Not to say it is discribed with English,I don't know what's means even though it is depicted with Chinese! many people don't know how to_it_French.A.say;in B.speak;with C.say;with D.speak;in 金钩菜花汤怎么做?需要什么原料,具体步骤是什么,谢谢 需要什么原料,具体步骤是什么, 用和谐、感召 创造、 传统美德 齐心协力中的三个词使用一种修辞手法造句 弘扬美德构建和谐社会的作文 we have ( )A,two hundred yuan B,two hundreds yuan C,two hundred yuans “美德即是一种和谐与秩序”是谁提出的 FIVE HUNDRED对 还是 FIVE HUNDREDS对 美德是石,敲出智慧之火; 美德是______,__________; 美德是______,____美德是石,敲出智慧之火;美德是______,__________;美德是______,__________; five hundred of和five hundreds of哪个正确five hundred of等于five hundred吗